DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 - page 35

Tool Integration 35
© 2009 TallApplications BV
5 Tool Integration
This chapter will help you to use DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 in combination with various
build related developer tools.
The following topics are included in this chapter:
5.1 Visual Studio
DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 supports C# and VB.Net projects in Visual Studio 2005 and
To obfuscate the output of such a project, select the project and set the Obfuscate
setting in the project properties grid.
Note that the Obfuscate setting is related to the current project configuration. This
means that you can e.g. setup your project to obfuscate only in Release build.
5.2 MSBuild
DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 comes with an MSBuild <
> task found in
DeepSea.MSBuild.dll assembly in the program files folder.
This task is typically used in the Visual Studio integration, but can also be used outside
Visual Studio.
Task parameters
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