DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 - page 38

DeepSea Obfuscator 2009
© 2009 TallApplications BV
be obfuscated.
references assembly
A fileset specifying all assemblies used as
reference assembly in on the the obfuscated
In the following sample, DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 will obfuscate all assemblies with the
dll extension in the ${basedir} directory. The obfuscated assemblies will be written to
The nant.core.dll assembly is referenced.
<deepsea todir="${basedir}\Out">
<include name="nant.core.dll" />
5.4 Command line application
DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 can be invoked as command line application. This is usually
only needed for build environments other then the ones mentioned above.
Make sure to start instead of DeepSea.exe.
The following arguments can be used:
Only show warning and error messages. Do not show
informational messages.
Do not start the graphical application.
Run the obfuscation right away. Only relevant in the graphical
Specify a keyfile used to re-sign strong name assemblies
Verify all assemblies
Verify all assemblies, IL only.
Verify all assemblies, metadata only.
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