DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 - page 39

Tool Integration 39
© 2009 TallApplications BV
Exclude all assembly parts in a XAP file that match the given
pattern from obfuscation.
Include all assembly parts in a XAP file that match the given
pattern in the obfuscation process. Include overrides Exclude
and default behavior.
Specify the directory where the obfuscated assemblies are
written to.
Specify the directory where the obfuscation map is written to.
/MAPFILE<file> File name and folder of the obfuscation map.
This setting overwrites the /MAPDIR argument.
/CONFIGFILE<file> File name and folder of an external configuration file. The
external configuration is used in additional to obfuscation
attributes found in the assemblies.
Specify an assembly that is used as reference assembly.
Specify one or more assemblies that will be obfuscated.
5.5 Directories and file paths
Obfuscation using DeepSea Obfuscator 2009 involves various file and directory paths.
Below you'll find a detailed description how the various path's are used.
Output directory The output directory.
Relative paths are resolved against the effective base directory.
Map directory The directory where the obfuscation map is written to.
Relative paths are resolved against the effective base directory.
Base directory Base directory for all relative path's.
Relative paths are allowed but highly discouraged.
Effective base
This is not an external setting, but the result of the following
1. If the base directory is set, use the base directory.
2. If a (.dsoproj) project is used, use the directory containing this
3. If an input assembly is configured with a full path, use the
directory containing this input assembly.
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