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APRIL 1994

SADSI Deba t es Jo i nt

Dec l ara t i on

The main events of the past month

were a very well-received debate on

the Downing Street Declaration on

February 23 in Trinity College, and a

Karaoke night which was held on

March 2 in the Oliver St. John

Gogarty pub in Temple Bar. Many

thanks to

Michael Lynn

(PRO) and

Ethna McDonald

(Secretary) for their

input to these events.

The motion for the debate was "that

this house believes that the Joint

Declaration is a recipe for Irish

Unity." The speakers were



(SDLP), Dr.




Eamon O 'Cuiv

(FF), Maurice Manning

(FG) and

Stephen O'Byrnes

(PD). The debate

attracted a large attendance and

received impressive media coverage.

It received publicity in all the national

newspapers and was also recorded by

the BBC for their "On The Record"

and "Spotlight" programmes. This

debate was guaranteed its success by

the hard work and dedication of

Michael Lynn


John Menton

(Education). SADSI are planning to

host another debate later in the year.

In relation to the Karaoke night, a

great time was had by all who

attended, both on and off the stage. In

fact, for some of the amateur singers

amongst us, the excitement of stardom

became so much it became difficult,

as the evening wore on, to retrieve the

microphones! The spectators looked

on and laughed, longing to put their

vocal chords to good use, but

unfortunately making it to the bar

before the stage, with obvious

consequences! There were great spot

prizes for those who had provided the

best entertainment of the evening.

Many thanks to all those entertainers

and to our sponsors of the evening.

Finally, as pointed out in last month's

column, every year SADSI compiles

an accommodation register to help

apprentices seeking short-term

accommodation while attending

courses at Blackhall Place. At the

moment there is an acute shortage of

such accommodation and SADSI

would encourage anyone who has

accommodation to offer to contact

Fidelma McManus

at (01) 6763721.

Barbara Loft us

Paul Lavery.

S o l i c i t o rs Run f o r B o ne M a r r o w T r u s t

Niamh Reedy,

Solicitor, and



Solicitor, (both of A&L

Goodbody) are participating in a charity

fun run in Helsinki in May, 1994 in aid

of the Bone Marrow for Leukaemia

Trust. They made the decision to take

part in the fundraising run when their

colleague, Solicitor

Rodney Overend,

was diagnosed with leukaemia in June,

1993 for which he is still being treated.

Like much in Irish medicine, State

funding is insufficient to provide an

adequate service to deal with the

incidence of leukaemia in Ireland. The

Trust has worked in close association

with St. James's Hospital in Dublin (the

principal centre in Ireland for the

treatment of leukaemia and associated

diseases) to provide bone marrow

transplantation, the most modern and

effective type of treatment. The Trust

has also supported the research efforts

of the Department of Haematology at

St. James's, led by

Professor Shaun


into more effective ways of

carrying out bone marrow

transplantation and better ways of

assessing the results. The Minister for


Brendan Howlin TD,


laid the foundation stone for a new

£2.98m. bone marrow/oncology/

haematology unit at St. James's and the

Trust is currently seeking to raise funds

towards equipping the unit.

Donations would be welcomed and may

be made by cheque or money order in

favour of the Bone Marrow Fun Run

1994 and either sent directly to the

Trust at Apt. 11, St. James's Court, 151-

153 James's Street, Dublin 8 or lodged

in the Trust's Helsinki Fun Run 1994

deposit account at AIB, Clonskeagh,

Dublin 14 (account number 15489090,

sort code 93-11-87).

— -

Left to right: Niamh Reidy, Rodney Overend and Emma Crowley.