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APRIL 1994

Young Sol i c i tors Spr i ng

Con f e r ence Success

The Society of Young Solicitors Ireland

Spring Conference 1994 was held

jointly with the Northern Ireland Young

Solicitors Association at the Slieve

Russell Hotel & Country Club, Co.

Cavan, from Friday 11 March to Sunday

13 March 1994. It was an historic

conference as it was the first ever joint

conference of the two Societies.

We were delighted to welcome quite a

number of lawyers from England and

Wales, Belgium, Scotland, France,

Luxembourg and Holland who had

travelled to attend the conference.

The Lectures chosen were highly


Brian J. Cregan,


addressed the topic "The

Implementation of the Commercial

Agents Directive in Irish Law". Mr.

Cregan outlined the terms of the

directive which considerably

strengthens the position of commercial

agents vis-a-vis their principals.

The second topic on the Saturday

morning was the recent decisions and

directions of the Irish Competition


John Meade,


Arthur Cox, reviewed the recent and

well-publicised decision of the

Competition Authority to refuse to

grant a certificate or licence in respect

of the proposed takeover by Irish

Distillers of Cooley Distillery. On

Sunday morning

Ann Harrison,

Harbottle & Lewis, gave a presentation

on entertainment law.

Despite the bad weather, quite a

number of delegates enjoyed the

Saturday afternoon golf at the Slieve

Russell Country Club, the horse riding

and the Leadership Challenge.

The Conference was also attended by

Mr. Justice

Hugh O 'Flaherty

of the

Supreme Court and Lord Justice

Turlough O 'Donnell,

formerly of the

Court of Appeal of Northern Ireland.

The Saturday night banquet was a great

success, at which we were honoured to

At the Conference were hack row l-r: Declan O'Sullivan, John Dwyer, Jeremy Mills. Middle row

l-r: Owen O'Sullivan, Garrett Fennell, Paul White, Chairman, Society of Young Solicitors; Walter

Beatty, Julian Yarr, Gavin Buckley. Front row l-r: Paula Murphy, Denise Magill, Jennifer Clifford,

Neasa O'Roarty, Louise Taylor, Jill Downing, Elizabeth Crilly, Chairman, Northern Ireland Young

Solicitors Association; Keelin Kirrane, Sandra Duffs', Michael McCracken.

have the President of the Cavan

Solicitors Bar Association,



and his wife,


The conference was very well attended

and, once again, we would like to thank

our sponsors, principally The

Investment Bank of Ireland Limited,

without whose continued support our

conferences could not continue. We are

also extremely grateful to our other

sponsors, namely, Behan & Associates,

Rochford Brady, Rank Xerox, Sweet &

Maxwell, Norwel Ireland Limited,

Butterworth Ireland Limited, Irish

Document Exchange, Oak Tree Press,

Doyle Court Reporters, Dooleys,

Solicitors Financial Services Limited

and Gill & Macmillan Limited.

Walter Beatty,

Public Relations Officer,

Society of Young Solicitors.

E u r o p e an C o u r t D e c i s i o ns

The EU produces regular reports of

the proceedings of the Court Justice

and Court of First Instance of the

European Communities. The reports

are free and available to any solicitor

who applies for them.

In 1993 there were approximately 250

decisions reported in 38 issues of the

reports. The reports are presented in a

format similar to that of the Irish

Reports, i.e. a synopsis of the facts

and the decision of the Court is given

in a head note.

The reports would be of use to

solicitors who wish to keep abreast of

European Court decisions and their

impact on Irish law. Any member of

the profession who wishes to receive

the reports should write to request an

application form to:

Court of Justice of the European


Information Service,

Ref: Proceedings,

L2925 Luxembourg.