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MAY 1994

I BA 2 5 t h B i e n n i al C o n f e r e n ce

The International Bar Association will

hold its 25th Biennial Conference in

Melbourne, Australia, from 9-14

October 1994.

With an expected attendance of more

than 2,500 lawyers from over 100

countries, the conference is one of the

largest and most important events in

the international legal calendar. The

programme includes sessions

presented by all 56 Committees of the

Association's three Sections, covering

both highly-specialised and more

general interest subjects,with

acknowledged world experts as


The topics which will be dealt with


• Collaboration or collision course? -

Lawyers and accountants in the 90s

• Legal skills for the next century: the

lawyer as problem solver

• Stopping the presses and turning off

the television - pre-publication

restraints and injunctions: when

should they be issued?

• Legal liability arising from sexual

harassment in the workplace.

For the first time a General Interest

Programme is being presented

covering matters of current interest

relevant both to lawyers and to those

who live, work and consult with them.

Among the topics included in the

General Programme are:

• Stresses on lawyers and their

partners - living and working with


• Celebrity trials and the role of the


• Lawyers leaving the law

• Pornography - free speech v the

Women's Movement

The conference will be opened by the

former Governor-General of


Sir Ninian Stephen.


former Prime Minister of Australia,

Bob Hawke,

will address the opening

plenary session.

The International Bar Association has

over 16,000 members in 163 countries

and 146 member Bar Associations and

Law Societies which together

represent more than 2.5 million


Irish Participation

As in the case of previous IBA

Biennial Conferences, it is expected

that a sizeable delegation of Irish

lawyers will attend the conference in

Melbourne. The Law Society will be

organising a reception at the


Two Irish travel agents are offering

flight and accommodation packages.

Details may be obtained by contacting

Alan Benson

, Sadlier Travel Limited,

46 Grafton Street, Dublin 2. tel.

677 7300, fax 677 5577 or



, John Galligan Travel, 29

Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2,

tel. 661 9466, fax 661 0396.

U C C A f f i n i t y C a r ds

University College Cork, in

conjunction with the Bank of Ireland,

has introduced a new credit card

which is available exclusively to UCC

staff, graduates and diplomates, all of

whom will shortly receive application


For every new Affinity card issued,

Bank of Ireland will donate £4 to UCC

and will contribute a percentage of the

revenue from each transaction to the

UCC sports fund at no cost to the card

holder. Speaking at the launch of the

credit card, the President of UCC,


Michael P. Mortell

, said "the launch

of this credit card is part of our

ongoing policy to improve

conmunication with our graduates. We

expect a high response rate from

graduates who wish to be associated

with the College and it offers us the

opportunity to generate on-going

income which will enhance our

sporting facilities."

One of the benefits to card holders is

that the interest rate on the card is two

percentage points below the regular

Bank of Ireland credit card APR. Card

holders will also benefit from

£100,000 personal accident travel

insurance cover and, as a special

introductory offer, no annual fee will

be charged on UCC Affinity cards

before March, 1996.

Members of the profession who are

graduates of UCC might like to avail

of the card. Further information is

available from

Ruth McDonnell,

Information Officer, University

College Cork.

'Royal College of


Surgeons in Ireland


in favour of

The Royal College of Surgeons

in Ireland

contributes to medical education and

training and important research.

Please think of us!

For further details contact:

The Registrar,

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,

123 St. Stephen's Green,

Dublin 2.

Tel: (01) 4780200

Charity No. CHY1277