[subject to any explanations and any
material departures disclosed in the
notes to the financial statements].
The directors have responsibility for
ensuring that the company keeps
proper books of account that correctly
record and explain the transactions of
the company so as to enable the
financial position of the company to
be determined with reasonable
accuracy and which enable them to
ensure that the financial statements
comply with the Companies Acts and
will enable the accounts of the
company to be readily and properly
The directors, having arranged the
preparation of the financial
statements, have requested the
auditors to take whatever steps and
undertake whatever inspections they
consider to be appropriate for the
purpose of enabling them to give their
audit report.
1. The first paragraph of the above
draft has been included to state the
purpose of the responsibility
statement and for whose benefit it
is made. It may also limit the use
to which the statement can be put.
It also includes a reference to the
auditors' report, which addresses
the same points from the auditor's
point of view, and which sets the
context in which it is to be read.
2. The second paragraph reflects
section 149, Companies Act, 1963
and section 3, Companies
(Amendment) Act, 1983 but there
is reference to financial statements
rather than balance sheets and
profit and loss accounts or
individual accounts or group
accounts. See also section 3 (2)
Companies (Amendment) Act,
1983 and the European
Communities (Companies : Group
Accounts) Regulations, 1992 in
relation to group accounts.
3. The second sentence of the second
paragraph follows the Cadbury
Report wording rather than SAS
600 but describes the accounting
policies as appropriate rather than
suitable. However, the
confirmation required is expressed
as an opinion. The opinion as to
accounting policies reflects SSAP
2 and also the Sixth Schedule to
the Companies Act, 1963 and the
First Schedule to the Companies
(Amendment) Act, 1986 (as
amended by section 231 (2) and
section 232 (2) and (3) of the
Companies Act, 1990.)
4. The third paragraph reflects section
202 Companies Act, 1990. There
is therefore no reference to
"adequate accounting records" nor
to the SAS 600 reference to
"proper" accounting records both
of which exceed the statutory
5. The fourth paragraph compliments
the statements relating to the
auditors' responsibilities which
will be included in the auditors'
report if SAS 600 is followed.
Company and Commercial Law
I r i sh S o l i c i t o r s
G o l f i n g S o c i e t y
The results of Michael O'Mahony's
President's Prize, held at Mount Juliet
on 18 July 1994, are as follows:
Brian Whitaker
38 Points [Handicap 4]
Runner Up:
Mark Connellan
36 Points [Handicap 16]
Handicap 12 and Under
Bobby Cussen
34 Points [Handicap 6]
Runner Up:
Owen O 'Brien
34 Points [Handicap 6]
The Ryan Cup
Robert Cussen
33 Points [Handicap 14]
Runner Up:
Denis Jacobson
33 Points [Handicap 14]
The Veterans' Cup
Judge Frank Johnston
31 Points [Handicap 15]
Front Nine
John Bourke
18 Points [Handicap 11]
Back Nine
Oliver Shanley
22 Points [Handicap 14]
Over 30 miles from Mount Juliet
Harry Fehily
33 Points [Handicap 9]
William Jolley,
Hon Secretary.
Doyle Court Repor ters
Ái ne O'Farrell
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