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This belonged to



. A real Boy's Own

Adventure, and set in the

'30s, the four-player co-op

follows a secret group of four

- all versed with individual

skills - that work for the

British government. Their

job is to travel around the

globe, dealing with ancient

supernatural powers.

While it probably appealed

to the history nerd in us, it

was refreshing to play a

game that's not in space,

doesn't have a dragon or

orc in sight, and isn't set in a

post-apocalyptic wasteland.

And who doesn't want to be

Indiana Jones?


of the


that every reader interprets and

visualises his work differently.

According to the hosts of our

theatre presentation, Cyanide

Studio has attempted to capture

“the true essence of Lovecraft” in

its upcoming

Call of Cthulhu


based on the classic 1981 pen and

paper RPG from Chaosium.

In this adventure RPG, private

investigator Edward Pierce is

dissecting the murder of an artist

on the suitably spooky Darkwater

Island. The mission shown required

Pierce to gain access to a mansion

to investigate a fire. Players

need to utilise detective prowess

through nine different upgradeable

skills to uncover the clues.

Two levels were shown; the

first to highlight the RPG and

sleuth elements to the game.

The second, however, revealed an

action sequence where Pierce has

to employ puzzle-solving abilities

to defeat a hideous creature that

drags itself from the canvas of a


There’s still a long way to go

with the development; the game is

still a little rough around the edges,

but Lovecraft fans, or gamers who

enjoy mystery and intrigue in their

RPGs, will likely enjoy the world

being created here.

But when will

Call of Cthulhu


out? “When it’s ready,” came the

reply from Cyanide.

Those looking for a Sonic fix

from SEGA won’t have to wait

too long, either. We went hands-

on with

Sonic Forces

for a short

session, and the amicable blue

hedgehog hasn’t changed one bit.

Sonic Forces

features three

modes; a classic, 2.5D series of

levels, a more modern 3D entry,

and an additional, second 3D entry

– but with your own customised

character. 2D was the most fun,

and apparently we had the best

time of all the press that had been

through the booth. Gotta go fast.

Real-time strategy fans will

be looking forward to

Total War

Warhammer II

, and with good

reason – this one’s shaping up to

be a monster.

The 20 minutes we

played through was a pretty

straightforward RTS setup; pick

your armies, group them if you

want, and send them into fight for

you. If one thing can be said about

TWW2 it’s that the cutscenes look

amazing, and for newcomers the

mechanics are quite easy to grasp.

We also sat in on a couple more

behind-closed doors sessions,




A Plague Tale:




’s concept was highly

intriguing; you are a vampyr (duh),

but your previous occupation

was a doctor, meaning to feed

on victims of the town you live in

is to go against your sworn oath

to protect them. Of course, this

moral dilemma should come as no

surprise to those who know their

devs –



out of Dontnod

Studios, those

responsible for

Life is



A Plague Tale:


, on the

other hand, is a

sibling tale of survival

in France’s Middle Ages. In the

midst of the Spanish Inquisition,

you must fight for your life – hard

enough without the huge swarms

of rats plaguing the city. Stay in

the light, and fear what moves in

the shadows.

It’s been in early access in

various forms for a while now,

and one of the biggest surprises

of E3 was that

ARK: Survival


is getting a full retail

release in August. The easiest

way to describe ARK is an open-

world survival RPG where you

can tame dinosaurs. I know, right.

We sat down with the devs at a

hotel across the road from the

LACC, and they gave us all the hot

goss on the upcoming sponsored



(no relation to the

upcoming Thor movie, either). It’s

144 km/sq of pure, beautiful chaos,

and if you grab the new content

you’ll also get access to Gryphons;



. Wow.

Also on the show floor


Agents of Mayhem

, and

(unsurprisingly) consistently had

some of the longest lines in

either hall. Set in the Saints Row

universe, it’s predictably fast-paced

and crazy as anything, and the

best part is you won’t have to wait

long – it’s out next month.

It's often the games you know nothing about...

that end up surprising you


Call of Cthulhu

ARK: Survival Evolved


Sonic Forces