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Need For Speed:


’s game

director William Ho

on casting the three


Right from the

outset, we were

very keen on these

characters. We

needed to cast

them based on

their chemistry

– they had to be

believable as a unit.

It was an extensive

casting process,

because not only

did they need to

be proficient as

individuals, but

they also had to

spark as a group. It

was a very arduous

but ultimately fun




Star Wars dogfight sequence,

weaving in and out of ships trying

to get your reticle on an X-Wing.

However, when Iden decides

to board a Rebel transporter to

take out the ION cannons, it’s a

good old laser fire-fight through

tight corridors, launching thermal

detonators at clusters of Rebel

soldiers and discharging well-aimed

head shots.

A nice addition here to the

combat is a mini Imperial probe

droid (launched with the press

of a button), which can override

computers or take out multiple

enemies with bolts of electricity.

Gameplay is optional – play stealth,

or in our case, opt to blast away

everything that moved. It was a

short time with the campaign,

but this is exactly what I want

from a Star Wars game, and I left

feeling excited about the prospect

of playing the entire campaign in


Every year we chat to Matt

Prior about the new FIFA, and

every year he takes the p-ss out of

my football team, Gillingham. So

nothing new in that regard when

I quizzed him on what to expect


FIFA 18.

If we’ve learned

anything about playing FIFA at E3

over the years, it’s not to judge

what we see in June as what we’ll

be playing in September when the

game launches.

Prior tells us that only now,

in the second year of using the

Frostbite engine, are the team

really hitting their straps. Our brief

hands-on impression found a more

realistic and fluid game; visually,

there are noticeable improvements

and the gameplay, at this early

stage, definitely feels more


According to Prior,



feature a new motion technology

system that will capture in detail

particular player traits. Crowds in

stadiums are more spontaneous

and will react directly to player

celebrations. The Journey is

back to track Alex Hunter’s next

progression through his career as

a professional footballer, and FUT

will feature a host of new legends

(none, I’m reliably informed, from


It’s a real challenge keeping an

annual sporting franchise fresh,

but one that EA have consistently

managed to do with FIFA over the

last ten years.


When the E3 trailer

debuted for

Need For Speed:


, there was an obvious

(and with good reason) comparison

to the Fast and Furious films. A

feeling of family and togetherness

resonated from the crew shown

in the EA Play trailer, which,

according to game director William

Ho, was a conscious choice. 

“Growing up, I really wanted to

make racing games. I loved Hot

Wheels, TV shows and movies

with cars… I’m basically a walking

encyclopaedia when it comes

to car stunts and how they look

and feel. For

Need For Speed:


, it just made sense to tap

into not necessarily one franchise

in particular, but a lifetime of

knowledge and memories. You

could say it’s been 40 years in the


We jumped in for 20 minutes



at EA Play, and the

short hands-on we got was highly-

polished. The story mode features

a roster of three characters that

Ho hopes will appeal to every type

of driver. These characters will

need to work together and utilise

their different areas of expertise to

conquer missions. The mission we

played had us fight off a few cars

escorting a semi to an undisclosed

location. It had a rather fast car on

board we wouldn’t mind driving!

The handling is great, and there

were even a few slow-mo crash

sequences thrown in that were

real eyebrow-raisers. Fans of

driving games this year are literally

spoiled for choice.

The inclusion of a campaign mode in Battlefront

is something everyone has pleaded for

Need For Speed: Payback

Need For Speed: Payback