219. Peggy Cocktail.
S Gin, 3 French Vermouth, dash of Dubon
net, dash of Absinthe.
Shake and strain.
220. Pegu Club Cocktail.
f Gin, i CuraQao, dash of Angostura
Bitters, dash of Rose's Lime Juice, dash of
Orange Bitters.
Shake and strain.
221. Perfect Cocktail.
3 Gin, 4 French Vermouth, 4 Italian Ver
Shake and strain. Squeeze a piece of
orange peel on top.
222. Phcebe Snow Cocktail.
4 Brandy, 4 Dubonnet, dash of Absinthe.
Shake and strain.
223. Piccadilly Cocktail.
§ Gin, 4 French Vermouth, dash of Grena
dine, dash of Absinthe.
Shake and strain.
224. Pink Baby Cocktail.
4 Gin,i Grenadine,i Sirop de Citron, white
of egg.
Shake and strain.
225. Pink Gin Cocktail.
Glass of Gin, dash of Angostura Bitters.
Shake and strain.