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www.dhpionline.comFax: 888-681-5088
Peri-Dent Developer & Fixer
White Mountain Imaging
Easy to use. High resistance to oxidation which
provides a longer active life. Special emulsion
hardeners to protect the film as it goes through
the processor.
Developer & Fixer
920-4013 quarts each .............
- Carestream Dental
Liquid chemical concentrates designed to manu-
ally process all of our intraoral and extraoral
dental film. Both the developer and fixer are sin-
gle-solution concentrates, which provide mixing
convenience, chemical stability, and identical
mixing and dilution procedures for tank and
replenishment solutions.
Developer & FixerTwin Pack
920-190185928oz each...............
Developer & Replenisher
920-19009431 quart ....................
920-19009841 gallon....................
Fixer & Replenisher
920-19018751 quart ....................
920-19024851 gallon...................
Premixed Developer & Fixer -
White Mountain Imaging
Color-coding system specially formulated to help
eliminate possible cross contamination. Fixscent,
no odor formulation, completely eliminates chem-
ical odors and provides a fresh pleasant floral
Developer & Fixer
920-3242 gallons each............
Developer Only
920-2044 gallons ....................
Fixer Only
920-3044 gallons ....................
Excel Ready-to-Use Chemistry
Mountain Imaging
High quality chemistry ensures better looking
films with fewer processor problems. Pre-diluted,
simply open the bottle and add it to your film pro-
Developer & Fixer
920-99260202 gallons each ...........
Developer Only
920-992602DV4 gallons. ...................
Fixer Only
920-992602FX4 gallons ....................
Developer & Fixer -
Distribution & Sales
Formulated for use in roller type automatic pro-
cessors. All temperature formula works in
machines with or without heaters, specifically
developed for “Peri-type” processors, less oxida-
tion, stays fresher longer, archival quality X-rays,
quick drying formula, sharper images.
Developer & Fixer
920-FM80042 gallons each..........
Developer Only
920-FM80054 gallons. .................
Fixer Only
920-FM80064 gallons ..................
- Solutek Corporation
Ready-to-use developer & fixer formulated for use in
roller-less processors.They produce optimum film
quality, high contrast and definition, low fog. One
bottle fills a tank in the Peri-Pro processor. Peri Sol
chemistry contains special ingredients that retard
oxidation, produce consistent results, and minimize
the formation of sludge.
Developer & Fixer
920-238793 quarts each..............
Developer Only
920-23879A1 quart ..........................
Fixer Only
920-2387921 quart ..........................
Peri-Chem Pre-Mixed
- Fujifilm USA
For rollerless type automatic film processors.
Developer & Fixer
920-272713 quarts each ............
SoluDent Developer & Fixer
- Solutek
Ready-to-use processing solutions provide con-
sistent results, long shelf life and exceptional
quality. Pre-mixed chemistry prevents solution
mixing errors and time consuming retakes.
Assures high quality films with less handling time
and fewer problems. Suitable for use in all auto-
matic roller type dental X-Ray film processors.
Developer & Fixer
920-206292 gallons each .............
Developer Only
920-206244 gallons .....................
Fixer Only
920-208244 gallons ......................