795-FLUFFYCLOUD 795-BIRDS 795-HOTAIR 795-PALMTREE 795-FLOWERS 795-BUTTERFLIES 795-CURIOUSANIMALS 795-OCEANVIEWBring the great outdoors indoors. These panels bring the vibrant look of the outdoors, inside
your office. Experience the calming and pleasant effect our beautiful panels bring to any ap-
plication. The applications are only limited by your imagination! Sky-Scapes transforms your
existing fluorescent lighting with a smooth, calming and beautiful outdoor scene. They are
beautiful translucent panels that replace your existing diffuser and reduce harsh glare. Instal-
lation is easy and can be completed in a few minutes with minimal effort. Durastrong material
is flexible, easy to cut and will last 10+ years without yellowing!
Panels measure 23-3/4"W x 47-3/4"L.
Contact your DHPI Account Manager for pricing.