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For the patient error tests, PTV DVHs with MU

errors correspond well to expectations. For

OARs and MLC errors, trends are as expected but

quantitative validation is more difficult (Table).


Slab phantom results show that generally both

systems accurately measure MU errors.

Differences between 3DVH and


are larger

for MLC errors, especially for the conformal

plans and OARs (Table).


Comparing with the predictions, it appears that


tends to underestimate the effect of MLC

errors, whereas


performs more

accurately (Table).


We developed a procedure to verify DVH measurements

for individual patient QA.


has similar gamma results

as 2D ArcCheck for clinical cases. Phantom studies

however indicate that


can underestimate the

dosimetric effect of MLC errors, where EPID based


performs better.

PV-0416 Novel methods for normal tissue dose in

epidemiological studies of second cancer in


C. Lee


, J.W. Jung


, C. Lee


, M.M. Mille


, E. Mosher


, C.



, G. Kuzmin



National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer

Epidemiology and Genetics, Bethesda, USA


East Carolina University, Department of Physics,

Greenville, USA


University of Michigan, Department of Radiation

Oncology, Ann Arbor, USA

Purpose or Objective

Dose estimation of normal tissues located outside

treatment beam fields is one of the crucial components in

retrospective epidemiological studies of late effects in

radiotherapy patients but there are three challenges.

First, dosimetry methods for out-of-field normal tissues

are not well established compared to in-field. Second,

radiological images of patient anatomy are not commonly

available. Third, even if patient images are available,

contouring several normal organs of interest would take

substantial effort for large-scale patient cohorts. We have

developed computational solutions: to calculate normal

tissue doses for out-of-field region, which was validated

by experiment; to construct a realistic surrogate anatomy

by using computational human phantoms; and to

automatically contour major organs of interest on patient


Material and Methods

We employed XVMC computer code for Monte Carlo

radiation transport with enhanced computation speed. We

adjusted the virtual source models built in XVMC to match

out-of-field dose profile measured in a water phantom.

For the cases where patient images are not available, we

converted a library of existing computational human

phantoms with the range of age and body size in voxel

format into Digital Imaging and Communications in

Medicine (DICOM)-images by translating material

composition and density to Hounsfield Unit. We then

converted the organ structures in the voxel phantoms into

DICOM-structures and tested the resulting DICOM

phantoms with multiple treatment planning systems.

Finally, for the cases where patient images may be

available for a large number of patients, we developed

methods to automatically contour the heart and its

substructures, as a start, by using an atlas library derived

from 60 adult male and female patients.


First, the lateral dose profiles computed from XVMC and

the water phantom matched well within 15% (<10 cm from

field edge) and 40% (> 10 cm and <30 cm from the field

edge)(Figure 1). Second, a set of DICOM-images and

structures was generated from the pediatric and adult

reference and non-reference phantom series (Figure 2).

We validated the DICOM phantoms by comparing density

and volume of selected organs between the original

phantom and Eclipse showing a good agreement less than

5% and 0.1% for density and volume, respectively. Finally,

we confirmed that the auto-contoured heart and

manually-contoured heart for 30 adult male patients show

the Dice coefficients up to 91% for the total heart and up

to 84% for the left ventricle.


The computational methods established in this study will

be useful for the reconstruction of normal tissue dose to