Communicating and Lobbyingwith
How toMake Your Views
Known andAffect Change.
Tues. May 8, 2018
Illinois StateCapitol
(815) 753–9305
This exciting and engaging academy is taught in the Illinois Statehouse while the legislature is in session; includes
conversations with and presentations by a Senator and a Representative, Senate and House Staffers, and a staff
member from the Governor’s office. Participants will have the opportunity to attend legislative hearings.
Diane Hendren, Dir./Governmental Relations, IASA; Calvin C. Jackson, Legislative Consultant, Illinois
ASBO; Illinois State Legislators & Staff (TBD)
Participants will understand and be able to work effectively with legislators and their staff, apply rules
for giving testimony at legislative hearings, develop working relationships with the Legislative Reference Bureau and
the Legislative Information System, and work with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.
Presented by Illinois ASBO Professional Development/
Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA)
An approved, required strand for Illinois Administrators’
Academy credit.
This seminar meets the requirements for both the Facilities
Management Designation Program and the Support Staff
Designation Program.
Click here for FAX registration form or more info Click here for ONLINE registration or more info www.iasaedu.org www.iasbo.org