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Milk and Seltzer.—(A medium sized bar glass )

In serr'ing' this drink, which is strictly temperance

half fill the glass with seltzer, and the rest with'

milk; if it is done otherwise you will have nothin"-

hut foam in your glass, which would cause delay.

Milk Punch.—(A large bar glass.) % glass of fine

ice; -U tablespoon of sugar; 1 wineglass of brandy;

1 wineglass of St. Croix rum;

wineglass of Ja

maica rum; fill up with fresh milk. Mix well to

gether, strain, and serve with a little nutmeg on


Milk Shake.—Fill mixing glass % full fine ice- 1

tahlespoonful of sugar; 1 egg. Fill glass with milk

shake well and strain into lemonade glass; grate a

little nutmeg on top.

Miner's Delight.—(Fizz glass.) No ice:; 3 dashes

syrup; 2 dashes .'\ngostura ; 3 dashes vermouth; 2

dashes absinthe; 3 dashes Orange Curacoa;


whisky; white of an egg; stir thoroughly; fill ^lass

slowly with seltzer; rest

spoonful of powdered

sugar on glass and let customer stir same; drink

immediately it fizzes.

Mint Julep.—(A large bar glass.) i tablespoon of

sugar, dissolved m 14 wineglass of water- 3 or 4

sprigs of mint, which you press well in the sugar

and water to extract the flavor: then add 114 wine

glass of brandy, after which withdraw the mint and

stir the ingredients well; then fill the glass with fine

ice and insert the mint again, stems downward-

lepes above. Dress tastily with fruits in season'

Give a dash of Jamaica rum, a sprinkle of white

sugar, and serve with a straw placed across the

top of glass.


Mississippi Punch.--(A large bar glass ) 1 table

spoon of .sugar dissolved in f/, wineglass of water"

•2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; J4 wineglass of Bour:

bon whisky;

wineglass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine

glass of brandy: fill goblet with fine ice. Dress tm.

with pieces of orange, pineapple, etc.



Mint Sloe.—(Take a fancy highball glass) Pi,t

in 3 or 4 sprigs of mint; 1 lump of ice; I'dash of


Monte Cristo Highball.—(In highball glass) Put

lump of ice; juice of J4 a lime; drink sloe gin- fill

with club soda.


Monte Cristo.—(Use medium bar glass with

shaved ice.) 1 jigger imported dry sherrv- 1 tea-

spoonful sugar; J4 pony ***Hennessey brandy- J

egg. Shake well and ser i in a long glass such' as

is used for highballs.