ence consult us.
.An excess of furnishings some
times has the oi>i)ositc effect from that which was
expected or intended.
If your place is in a poorer locality, the cost \yill
be very much less: but it all depends upon situation
and trade expected. But whether cheap or fancy,
bear in mind that it is economy to buy substantial
fittings. There were days when a man who opened
a saloon had to hire his own mechanics and have
hi.s bar built on plans he had outlined himself. 1hat
is all changed now, and the fitting of a bar has
come to he a very simple matter. Tn our show
rooms entire bars arc set up on exhiliition, and
selection is made varying with the ririce to lie •• .
Don't forget the cellar and wine room.
walls of the cellar are literally the foundation of a
house and its contents are the foundation of the
business. The cellar should have a well-cemented
floor and cood ventilation.
The main stock in trade of the saloon business
is good will. Those two words spell trade, and
the more friends you have, everything else being
considered, the better your trade will be.
Another important point to be considered, is
the subject of local and special laws and regula
tions, such as for insfance, in New York State,
where no saloon is allowed within 200 feet of a
church or school.
It is a rather difficult matter to figure offhand the
running expenses of any average saloon.
The saloon man who expects the best possible
results from his bartenders will pay especial atten
tion to the making and arrangement of the work
ing bench, which is one of the most important fix
tures in a saloon. There are many handsome es
tablishments in this country which have a bench
that hampers and impedes the work of a good bar
man. This is a place in the making of which no
reasonable expense should be spared. Tt should be
lined with tinned copper, the plumbing should
be onen and sanitary, the boxes should be made
with rounded edges, so as to make cleaning a simple
matter, and the accumulation of filth and dirt almost
imnossible. We make this kind.
i I
Take as much imide in the bar bench as you do
in the back bar, and you will find that the tone of
your jilace will be better.
The bartender or saloon man who neglects his
glassware ought to go into some other busines. fr
is a simple matter to keep glassware not only clean
but polished, and no man's time could be spent
more profitably.
Customers like to drink from
glasses which are free from even any suspicion of
ciust or finger marks. Wash all glasses as soon as
possible after being used, leave them on the bench