stock,
he
receives
all
the
permits
by
which
the
Dealer
has
had
in
Spirits,
since
the
last
survey,
notes
down
the
total
quantity
of
Proof
Spirits
they
denote,
under
the
proper
distinctions,
to
which
is
added
the
amount
of
Proof
Spirits,
of
each
kind,
which
formed
the
balance
of
the
last
stock.
The
quantity
of
Spirits,
whether
Brandy,
Rum,
&c.
contained
in
the
various
casks,
and
their
different
strengths,
is
then
ascertained
;
and,
together
with
the
amount
of
what
has
been
sent
out
(of
which
the
officer
has
a
previous
account
from
the
vouch-
ers,
or
request
notes,
left
at
the
Permit
Office
by
the
Dealer
for
all
the
permits
he
has
had
occasion
to
draw,
since
the
last
time
of
taking
stock,
and
which
must
be
so
left,
before
he
can
obtain
any
of
such
permits),
reduced,
so
as
to
exhibit
the
total
quantum
of
Proof
Spirits,
of
each
description.
Should
this,
on
being
deducted
from
the
total,
formed
by
the
last
balance,
and
what
has
been
had
into
stock
since
added
together,
show
any
excess,
(6
Geo.
4,
c.
80,
sec.
109,)
'
Such
excess
shall
be
deemed
and
taken
to
be
spirits
illegally
received,
and
a
quantity
of
spirits
of
the
like
kind
shall
and
may
be
seized
out
of
any
part
of
the
stock
of
such
Wholesale
Dealer,*
by
any
Officer
or
Officers
of
Excise
;
and
the
Wholesale
Dealer
in
whose
stock,
custody,
or
possession,
such
excess
shall
be
found,
shall
forfeit
and
lose
the
sum
of
twenty
shillings
*
This
Act
also
includes
Rectifiers
and
Compounders.