Lead Plumbing Fixture Replacement
Assistance Grants Still Available
The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission invites schools that have not yet applied
for the
Lead Plumbing Fixture Replacement Assistance Grant programto do so. Funding
is still available to assist schools across the state with the replacement of eligible lead
plumbing fixtures.
The program provides funding to eligible schools to reimburse for the assessment
and replacement of drinking fountains, water coolers, plumbing fixtures and limited
connected piping. Schools built before 1990 can apply for reimbursement up to $15,000
for the assessment of eligible fixtures and the material costs to replace fixtures identified
as being over the federal action level for lead in drinking water. The program is open to
traditional public schools, community schools, and chartered nonpublic schools.
If you have not received direct notification about this program, contact
grants.info@ofcc.ohio.govfor additional information.
Draft of Summary of Ohio’s ESSA Plan Released
On Thursday, the Ohio Department of Education released a draft of the state’s plan for
implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A copy of that draft is available here:
http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Every-Student-Succeeds-Act-ESSA/ESSA_ Framework_Report.pdf.aspxODE is inviting comments on this summary. Information on providing feedback to the
department can be found here: