GM Dealer Workbook - page 101

More and more people are
discovering the advantages
of leasing. Whether it
is the appeal of lower
monthly payments or the
opportunity to drive a new
vehicle every few years —
many drivers are exploring
the possibility of leasing
their next car, truck or SUV.
What is leasing?
Leasing is a financing option that allows
the customer to pay for what they actually
use. The payment is based on the estimated
depreciation and a small cost of borrowing.
Is leasing right
for you?
Benefits of leasing
Less money up front
A lease typically requires less money up front
than traditional auto loans.
Protection from potential
negative equity
Avoid the risk that your vehicle’s value has
declined beyond its projected residual value.
Virtually worry-free driving experience
Most lease terms are within the factory
warranty period helping you avoid costly
repair bills.
Affordable payments with shorter terms
More bang for your buck. Consider newer
models with more options!
Protection from unexpected depreciation
Avoid risks when you want to trade, such as:
Fuel prices
Negative Publicity
Model Changes
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