and run each section rapidly around the edge of the jug or
bowl, gently squeezing in some of the delicate acid. This
done,the punch is made.Imbibe.
regent's punch
For a party of twenty
Three bottles of champagne. Two bottles of Madeira.
One bottle of Hockheimer.^ Two bottles of seltzer, or
One bottle of curagao.
plain soda water.
One bottle of Cognac.
Four pounds of bloom rai-
One-half bottle of Jamaica sins,
To which add oranges, lemons, rock candy, and instead of
water, green tea to taste. Refrigerate with all the icy power
of the Arctic.
...3I • ••
regent's punch
Another recipe
From the Bordeaux Wine and Liquor Guide
One and one-half pint each One pint each of rum,
of strong hot green tea, brandy, arrack, and cu-
lemon juice and capil- ragao.
One bottle of champagne;
mix,and slice of pineapple
into it.
® A Rhine wine produced at Hochheim, near Mainz, Germany.
® See Recipes Nos.6S and 66.