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The yolks of a dozen eggs are well whisked up, and

put into a quart of strong beer; to this is added a pint of

gin; a bottle of sherry is put into a saucepan, with a stick of

cinnamon, a nutmeg grated, a dozen large lumps of sugar,

and the rind of a lemon peeled very thin; when the wine

boils, it is poured upon the gin and beer, and the whole

drunk hot.

...I 46 • • •


Cut away the peel of oranges very thin, until you have ob

tained half a dozen ounces of it; put these in a quart bottle,

and then pour in a pint of genuine whiskey. Cork the bottle

down tightly, and let the rind remain infused for ten or

twelve days, giving the bottle a good shake as often as you

have an opportunity for so doing; at the end of this period,

take out the orange peel, and fill the bottle with clarified

syrup, shake it well with the spirit, and let it remain for

three days.Pour a teacupful of the liqueur into a mortar,and

beat up a drachm of powdered alum,and an equal quantity

of carbonate of potash; pour this, when well mixed, into

the bottle, shake it well, and in a week you will find the

curagao perfectly transparent, and equal in flavor to that

imported from Malines, or any other place in the universe.


Pare and press two dozen lemons; pour the juice on the

peels, and let it remain on them all night; in the morning

add two pounds of loaf sugar, a quart of good sherry, and

three quarts of boiling water. Mix well, add a quart of boil

ing milk, and strain it through a jelly bag till dear.