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HEjulep is peculiarly an American beverage,and in the

Southern states is more popular than any other. It was

introduced into England by Captain Marryatt^ where it is

now quite a javorite. The gallant captain seems to have

had a penchant for the nectareous drink, and published the

recipe in his work on America. We give it in his own words:

"I must descant a little upon the mint julep, as it is, with

the thermometer at loo degrees, one of the most delightful

and insinuating potations that ever was invented, and may

be drunk with equal satisfaction when the thermometer is

aslow as yo degrees. There are many varieties,such as those

composed of claret, Madeira, etc.; but the ingredients of the

real mint julep are as follows.I learned how to make them,

and succeeded pretty well.Put into a tumbler about a dozen

sprigs of the tender shoots of mint,upon them put a spoonful

of white sugar,and equal proportions of peach and common

brandy, so as to fill it up one-third, or perhaps a little less.

Then take rasped or pounded ice, and fill up the tumbler.

Epicures rub the lips of the tumbler with a piece of fresh

pineapple,and the tumbler itself is very often incrusted out

side with stalactites of


the ice melts, you drink.Ionce

overheard two ladies talking in the next room to me, and

one of them said' Well, if I have a weakness for any one

thing, it is for a mint julep!'—a very amiable weakness,

and proving her good sense and good taste. They are,in fact,

like the American ladies, irresistible."

A Georgia paper recently speaking on this subject says:

"Probably the old-fashioned jidep is in its decadence

as a public drink, but it does not follow that the art of

1 Captain Frederick Marryatt, the English naval officer and novelist.

