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"Gentlemen!" he announced, impressively, "you are

about to witness the birth of a new beverage!"

A sigh of anticipation arose from the assemblage,and with

one accord the mass of men moved forward, respectfully,

until they stood five deep before the bar, with the bewhis-

kered giant, still booted,in the front rank. Professor Thomas

smiled, and quietly poured a tumblerful of Scotch whiskey

into one of the mugs,following with a slightly smaller quan

tity of boiling water. Then, with an evil-smelling sulphur

match, he ignited the liquid, and as the blue flame shot

toward the ceiling and the crowd shrank back in awe, he

hurled the blazing mixture back and forth between the two

mugs, with a rapidity and a dexterity that were well nigh

unbelievable. This amazing spectacle continued in full move

ment for perhaps ten seconds, and then Professor Thomas

quickly poured the beverage into a tumbler and smothered



stirred a teaspoonful of pulverized white sugar

into the mixture, added a twist of lemon peel, and shoved

the smoking concoction across the bar to the booted and

bewhiskered giant.

"Sir!" said Professor Thomas, bowing, "The Blue


The boastful miner threw his head back and flung the

boiling drink down his throat. He stood motionless for a

moment, smacking his lips and tasting the full flavor of it,

and then a startled expression spread over his face. He

swayed like a reed in the wind. He shivered from head to

foot. His teeth rattled. He batted his eyes. His mouth opened

and closed, but he could say nothing. He sank slowly into a

chair. He was no longer fit to be tied.

"He done it!"he whispered at last."Right down to my

gizzard! Yes, sir, right down to my gizzard! Yes, sir, right

down to my gizzard!"

He staggered to his feet, flung a bag of gold dust upon the

bar and wandered unsteadily into the night; and thereafter
