wiredinusa July 2011 - page 38-39

Japanese copper wire and cable
shipments inched up for the first time
in three months in May, but the level
stayed at the third-lowest for the month
in 35 years as exports declined.
Data from the Japanese Electric Wire
and Cable Makers’ Association showed
May shipments totaled an estimated
51,200 tonnes, down from revised
April shipments of 56,172 tonnes.
It was the first year-on-year gain since
the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami
and ensuing nuclear crisis stalled
manufacturing output.
Demand for copper, used in a wide
range of products from utensils
and construction materials to computer
chips, is often seen as a gauge
of economic activity. Exports of copper
wire and cables fell 2% in May from a
year earlier to 1,700 tonnes, reflecting a
slowdown in demand in emerging markets,
notably China.
In the domestic market, demand from
the telecoms sector jumped 48.3% to
1,000 tonnes, while demand from the
construction sector rose 17.5% to 21,500
tonnes as the Japanese government
actioned plans to build over 30,000 temporary
houses for those made homeless by the
March disaster.
Japan copper cable
shipments up 3% in May
BEFUT International Co Ltd, a developer,
manufacturer and distributor of wire
and cable products in China, has been
selected as an anchor client in the
Puwan New Area development zone,
where it will build a new facility to develop
carbon fiber composite materials.
Puwan New Area, a 1045.6-kilometer
economic zone, was created for
the purpose of fostering research and
development projects and to serve as
a headquarters for technology innovation
within China. The economic zone
is located near the major port of Dalian.
Mr Hongbao Cao, chairman and CEO,
said: “We are pleased to enter this
agreement with the Puwan New Area
government and to situate development
of our carbon fiber composite material
project within this economic zone.
The carbon fiber project will occupy
a 300,000 square meter facility
and ultimately we believe this facility
will be able to produce 100,000 kilometers
per year of high-pressure carbon fiber
composite wire. This would equate to
over $1.5 billion US (10.3 billion RMB) per
year, once this facility is operating at full
Mr Hongbao Cao continued: “We have
a very strong research and development
team in place to support our new project.
With increased demand in China
for carbon fiber, and with its inherent
benefits as a lighter material that offers
better electrical conductivity, we believe
this project will significantly expand our
Plant to produce carbon
fiber composite wire
Picture : Alessandro Paiva
wiredInUSA July
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