Whiskey Julep
2 oz. Rye
1 oz. carlbonated water
2 teaspoaus ipowdered sugar
Add several sprigs of mint fill 10 oz. glass witfli crackied
ice, add above and 1 dasli of i-um, stir cold and serve
witb straw.
Whiskey Fizz
2 oz. Rye
2 teaspoons powdered sugar
3 dashes lemoin juice.
Ice, 25 shakes, strain into 8 oz. glass, fill with carbon*
ated water.
Whiskey Rickey
2 oz. Rye
Juice of one lime
Ice, stir in 8 or 10 oz. glass, fill with soda, eerVe with
Whiskey Smash
Dissolve 1 teaspoon sugar in 1 oz. water, crush mint
against side of 8 oz. glass, add 2 oz. Rye, dissolve
sugar, ice and stir cold.
Whiskey Sour
2 oz. Rye
1 teaspoon powdered sugar
Juice 1-2 lemon
Juice 1-2 lime
Ice, 30 shakes, strain into 4 oz. glosa.
Whiskey Toddy (Hot)
■Luimp of sugar dissolved in 2 oz. hot water
1piece or pinch of cinuamon
1 piece fresh lemon peel
2 oz. Rye
In 6 oz. toddy glass, fill with hot water,