From the Editor…
Nothing says Summer like a sailboat on shimmering open blue water, well that and orange
barrels, but they don't make a very good cover.
It's On, it's Here, the long awaited Summer!! The club's open, the parties are in full swing,
and a little later this month the days start to shorten. So this is the time to get to the club and
enjoy all you can. See the calendar of events, and for more details log into
http://ncyconline.com.If you don't know your user name or password send me an email to
bearhooks@comcast.netand I'll send you a reset link to get you in. The club website is a great
source for all the information related to the club activities and contacts.
This is also a good time of year to bring a guest, and maybe a prospective member, we could
use a few more, so if you know anyone who would be a good fit, bring them by or contact any
Board member.
See the second to last page, it's got an example of an offering to you, send me the story of your
boat name and I'll publish it for you for a couple months.
See you on the island,
BlueSkies&Following Seas,
Director, Publications
North Channel Yacht Club