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Fund Family Shareholder Association

The obstacles are bigger overseas

than they are in the U.S., and mar-

ket performance has reflected this. As

I mentioned, stocks in the U.S., where

the picture is clearer and positive, have

outpaced foreign stocks by a wide mar-

gin—in 2014, 500 Index returned 17.7%

more than Total International Stock.

But taking a longer-term view, you

can see that outperformance and under-

performance are cyclical. The first chart

on page 13 shows the relative perfor-

mance of

Total Stock Market


pared to Total International Stock


the foreign fund’s April 1996 inception.

When the line is rising, U.S. stocks are

outperforming, and when it is falling,

foreign stocks are outperforming. During

the 1990s, U.S. stocks led the way, but

they conceded market leadership in the

2000s to foreign stocks. The pendulum

has swung back toward U.S. stocks again

over the past seven years or so, but this

won’t last forever.

This performance gap also creates

a divergence in valuations, and today,

U.S. stocks are more expensive than

stocks in, say, Europe or Asia. It should

go without saying that after six years

of gains, you can’t buy U.S. stocks as

cheaply today as you could in 2009.

Broadly speaking, there are better val-

ues to be found in foreign markets.

In addition, the dollar’s strength has

made buying foreign stocks an even

better deal, and when the currency

winds shift, which they always do,

those purchases will look even better

in our portfolios. In sum, it won’t take

that much to go right for investors to

begin taking a more positive view on

overseas stocks.


2014 Year in Review


Vanguard kept shareholders on their toes with fund closures, fund merg-

ers, manager hirings and firings, and a redesigned website with plenty of

bugs that still need to be ironed out. The world was awash in violence;

oil prices cratered; interest rates defied the common wisdom; and while

the U.S. economy sped up, China and other global economies slowed

down. It was, to say the least, a busy year. Here’s how I kept track of it.


The original three Managed Payout funds are merged

into one new

Managed Payout

option, and prior track records are

purged…Vanguard enlists relative web newbie HelloWallet to help

401(k) participants manage their financial affairs and, hopefully, invest

more in their Vanguard accounts…Janet Yellen is confirmed as the new

chairman of the Federal Reserve…The U.S. Treasury issues $15 billion in

floating-rate notes, the first new type of government debt in 17 years…

President Obama launches the myRA, a retirement savings vehicle for

those without 401(k) plans…TOP FUND:

Extended Duration Treasury


, 9.7%. WORST:

Emerging Markets Stock Index

, -7.3%.


Specious warnings that 2014 could be setting up for

a repeat of the 1929 market crash blanket the Internet…

Growth Equity

is merged into

U.S. Growth

, erasing an embarrassing performance

history for Vanguard…Facebook drops $19 billion on texting service

WhatsApp…As the month ends, five-year performance numbers come

through without February 2009 (the last down month of the bear market)

in the calculation, and returns soar…Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox collapses

and millions are lost…TOP FUND:

Precious Metals & Mining

, 10.2%,


Telecom Services Index

, -0.7%.


Having moved troops into Crimea around the end of

February, Russia forces a resolution, supposedly approved by more than

95% of the populace, to secede from Ukraine, catalyzing worries about

another Cold War…Vanguard fires Armstrong Shaw from

Windsor II

and adds Pzena Investment Management to

Selected Value


Yellen’s first press conference as Fed chair is marked by a comment that

rates could rise six months after tapering ends, sparking a short-lived sell-

off…Candy Crush Saga-maker King Digital goes public and the stock cra-

ters, showing not all IPOs are moon shots…Hot, hot biotech stocks cool

dramatically as the sector drops more than 10%…TOP FUND:


Services Index

, 5.1%, WORST:

Precious Metals & Mining

, -3.1%.


Tax-Managed International

is merged into Developed

Markets Index…A Russian bond sale is cancelled after demand disap-

pears, while S&P lowers Russia’s debt rating to one notch above junk…

High-frequency trading comes to the fore with the end-of-March release

of a new book claiming the markets are “rigged”…Biotech continues

to cool, with

Health Care

losing 1.9%…Vanguard begins rolling out a

new, low-cost

Personal Advisor Service

, or PAS, beyond its 2013 beta

launch, a possible competitor to robo-adviser programs now gaining

popularity (in the press, if not in the market)…TOP FUND:


, 5.4%,


Russell 2000 Growth ETF

, -5.4%.


Following April’s move, Vanguard folds

Tax-Managed Growth

& Income


500 Index

, reducing the Tax-Managed family to just

three options…The S&P 500 posts several records along with Germany’s

DAX, and on the final day of the month, the Dow also hits a new all-time

high…Also at May’s end, a revised GDP report shows the economy con-

tracted by 1.0% during the first quarter as exports were hit and inven-

tory-building slowed…That said, several economic indicators, including

some housing numbers, suggest the economy is already mending after

a debilitating winter…TOP FUND:

Emerging Markets Select Stock


4.3%, WORST:

Precious Metals & Mining

, -1.6%.


Vanguard adds yet an eighth management team, Arrowpoint

Partners, to


’s agglomeration…The BEA says first-quarter

GDP contracted by 2.9% (though the number will be revised to -2.1%

in the coming weeks)…Oil prices hit a peak near the end of the month,


Emerging Markets Stock Index

also rebounds…The Vanguard

Partnership Plan dividend for 2013 is announced, and at $146.52, it

marks a 12.0% increase, matching the 2012 gain, though asset growth

was up dramatically more…

Emerging Markets Select Stock


a three-year birthday with active management on top with a total 8.8%
