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The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors

January 2015




I continue to hold



in my

Model Portfolios

as a

diversified approach to foreign markets,

with top-notch managers helping to

separate the winners from the losers. If

you are an aggressive investor, you may

even want to consider allocating from

what has done well (U.S. stocks) to

what hasn’t done well (foreign stocks).

It is only a question of when, not if,

foreign stocks will take the performance

baton from U.S. stocks. We could see

the turn in 2015, though we won’t know

it’s happened until months or years later.

BondsThat Attract

Recency bias was in evidence

when I and countless others sug-

gested that rising yields at the end

of 2013 presaged even higher yields

in 2014. Wrong. Interest rates did

just the opposite, with the yield on

the 10-year Treasury falling from

3.03% to 2.17% by year-end. Last

year proved that despite low starting

yields, bonds can still deliver strong

returns, especially if those bonds have

long maturities. Consider that


Term Treasury

entered the year with

return for the period versus a 1.9% loss for

Emerging Markets Stock



Precious Metals & Mining

, 7.6%, WORST:

Market Neutral

, -1.6%.


U.S. stocks end the month at a loss for the first time since

January, and the bears come out of hibernation once again.

Total Stock


declines 2.0%…The SEC decides that consumer money market

funds will be allowed to maintain a $1.00 NAV despite the actual daily

fractional changes to values, but institutional funds will have to let their

NAVs float, a win for you and me…Vanguard removes the front-end and

back-end loads on

World ex-U.S. SmallCap Index

…Updated reports

show Vanguard’s costs for running

500 Index


Total Stock Market


including all share classes plus the Institutional versions, at $400 million,

up from $16.8 million in 1993…A lawsuit filed in 2013 alleging Vanguard

has manipulated its earnings and underpaid taxes is unsealed in New


Extended Duration Treasury ETF

, 1.5%, WORST:

Utilities Index

, -6.9%.


While bonds are strong, so are stocks, and the S&P 500

index hits multiple record highs….Yields drop, with the 10-year Treasury’s

falling from 2.56% to 2.34% at month’s end…The U.S. begins an aerial

bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria…Africa’s Ebola crisis becomes

more pronounced…Vanguard begins a push to consolidate all fund inves-

tors’ accounts into a single brokerage account…TOP FUND:


Duration Treasury ETF

, 7.1%, WORST:

Telecom Services Index

, -0.6%.


On the last day of the month, Vanguard surprises

with a special capital gain for

Health Care

. The reason: A “corporate

action…initially classified as a non-taxable event” was deemed taxable.

No further explanation is given…

Total Bond Market

and its many share

classes take the title of largest bond fund in the world as assets continue

to gush from PIMCO’s Total Return Fund when its manager, Bill Gross,

abandons ship…In the largest initial public offering in history, Alibaba

debuts on the NYSE and sees its first trade at $92.70, 36.3% above the $68

offering price…An insider reports that Windsor II’s Jim Barrow will make

his retirement official during the summer of 2015…Vanguard causes confu-

sion when it changes something that causes Quicken financial software to

stop working with the company’s data…TOP FUND:

Consumer Staples


, 0.3%, WORST:

Precious Metals & Mining

, -13.5%.


Ebola and ISIS fears ratchet up, and small stocks cor-

rect early in the month, with the Russell 2000 closing 13.2% below its

March 2014 high on the 13th. But large stocks narrowly miss a 10%

correction and rebound…Oil prices continue falling on worries about

global demand.


, down 7.4% in September, falls another 5.1%

in October…Gold prices also tumble, closing the month under $1,200

per ounce.

Precious Metals & Mining

loses more than one-quarter

of its value in September and October…Vanguard experiences website

“failures,” possibly as it begins a transition to a newer design slated

for launch before year-end…TOP FUND:

REIT Index

, 9.9%, WORST:

Precious Metals & Mining

, -13.7%.


The GOP takes control of Congress by winning

the Senate from the Democrats…Vanguard unveils an online “swag

shop” selling logoed T-shirts, golf-club covers and the like…Plans


Ultra-Short-Term Bond

are revealed, and Vanguard waffles on

whether it is or isn’t a substitute for a money market fund…Q3 GDP is

revised up to give the U.S. economy the best six-month gain in over a

decade…Oil prices plummet, and Vanguard’s two energy sector funds

dive…TOP FUND:

Consumer Discretionary ETF

, 5.6%, WORST:

Energy Index

, -9.3%.


Oil prices continue to drop, putting additional pres-

sure on Russia, where the ruble sinks despite a hike in the policy interest

rate to 17.0%…Pressure is also on any emerging economies dependent

on oil revenues, and

Emerging Markets Stock Index



Markets Select Stock

drop 5.0% and 6.1%, respectively…An alleged

North Korean hack of Sony Pictures’ computers reveals damning emails

and financial data, but more importantly causes the studio to halt, then

restart the release of

The Interview

. The Obama administration promises

retaliation while opening doors to another communist country, Cuba…A

steep but short market decline turns around as the Fed says rate hikes

are still in the future, and the Dow crosses 18000 for the first time…

Vanguard lowers the minimum on

Market Neutral

to $0 (for financial

advisers) to gin up interest in a laggard offering…Vanguard also says

it will launch a strategy to encourage boards of companies it invests

in to better engage with shareholders. They should look in the mirror

first…TOP FUND:

Extended Duration Treasury ETF

, 5.3%, WORST:

Emerging Markets Select Stock

, -6.1%.

a yield of only 3.57% but returned a

total 25.3% as its yield declined to

2.51% at year-end.

It would be a mistake to look at

the bond market’s recent strength and

extend it forward into 2015. While a

bond fund’s return can and will vary

in the short term, the fund’s starting

yield is a good predictor of returns

over longer periods of, say, five years

or more. You can get a vivid example

of this in the second chart on page 13,
