2 0 1 6 N EW S E R I E S
Contemporary Issues
Living Proud! Growing Up LGBTQ
10 titles | 64 pages
This remarkable series addresses a wide-range of
questions and concerns that many LGBTQ young people
have in straightforward friendly terms. Each volume
explores a pivotal aspect of LGBTQ experience, offering
support, thorough information, and further resources.
see pages 10–11
Critical World Issues
16 titles | 112 pages
The CRITICAL WORLD ISSUES series covers some of the
most controversial subjects affecting our lives today. Each
title examines facts, arguments, and opinions from around
the globe, using stories of individuals and case studies to
make the information come alive for young readers.
see pages 14–15
Families Today
12 titles | 48 pages
“What is a family?” What used to seem like a simple
question has grown ever more complex. This new series
explores the different types of family structures that have
become increasingly common in the 21st century.
see pages 12–13
Crime & Detection
20 titles | 96 pages
Crime, the detection of criminals, and the punishment of
offenders, has taken many forms throughout history, and
these 20 volumes examine the subject from every angle.
Find out how the judicial system and methods of crime
solving have evolved right up to the cyber age.
see pages 16–17
Mason Crest,
an Imprint of National Highlights
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