FEB/MAR 2016
Customer-specific lighting solution
As part of a lighting refurbishment, Osram Lighting
Solutions supplied an individual and highly efficient
lighting solution for the offices and conference
rooms of the Bavarian State Medical Board in
Munich, Germany. With help of state-of-the-art
multi-sensors and the Dali Eco control system,
suspended LED luminaires are now controlled ac-
cording to daylight, occupancy and movement.This
saves up to 65% in energy each year.
The Bavarian State Medical Board with head-
quarters in Munich is one of 17 German medical
Chambers. As the legislative professional associa-
tion for 75 000 Bavarian doctors, it represents their
occupational interests, promotes medical training
and creates social facilities for doctors and their
dependents.The office and conference rooms were
upgraded in 2015 and were equipped with around
700Arktika suspended LED luminaires.The ultra-flat,
computer screen-compliant designer luminaires are
suspended on two thin wires, and create a pleasant
ambience thanks to a combination of direct and indi-
rect light components.The luminaires are combined
with state-of-the-art sensor and control technology.
Multi-sensors and the Dali Eco control system
implement presence and motion detection as well
as control of light according to levels of daylight, and
users can control the luminaires individually using
push-buttons (for on/off and dimming).
Passive infrared PR3 sensors are installed in
the ceiling. They detect the presence of people at
workstations and enable motion detection in the
room. Control is implemented in semi-automatic
mode. If an employee enters the room in the morn-
ing he or she presses the button to activate the
lighting. The system adds the required quantity of
artificial lighting according to the ingress of daylight
until an illuminance level of 500 lux is achieved, as
valid for office spaces. If the room becomes unoc-
cupied, lighting is dimmed down to 10% after 15
minutes and switches off completely after a further
10 minutes.
The Dali Eco multifunctional light management
system is a simple plug & play solution, and com-
missioning is carried out using remote control. A
completely automatic nominal value setting is set
with the press of a button, based on the illuminance
level specified by the lighting design.
Intelligent and efficient light management is
becoming increasingly important – occupational
safety, productivity, concentration and well-being
are significantly linked to lighting. In addition, cost
consciousness and the desire for environmentally
protective and intelligent technology are increasing.
Christian Remmelberger-König, Application Engineer
at Osram Lighting Solutions, explains: "We've devel-
oped this modular sensor and control kit to meet a
diverse range of tasks. It's only with a combination
of high resolution sensors, professional control
technology and premium luminaires that complete,
customer-specific lighting solutions can be achieved."
Osram SA: +27 (0)11 207 5600
The ultra-flat Arktika suspended luminaire ‘floats’ on two thin
wires. (Source: Osram)
Suspended LED luminaires in the offices are controlled
according to daylight, motion and occupancy. (Source:
Highly modern multi-sensors and the Dali Eco control system
provide light control in the conference room. (Source: Osram)