Essence of Lemon.
Take i ounce of oil of lemon.
I quart of alcohol (95 per cent).
yz pint of water.
1% ounces of citric acid.
Grind the citric acid to a powder in a porcelain
mortar; dissolve it in the water. Then cut the oil
of lemon in the alcohol, and add the acid water.
Tincture of Orange Peel.
Take i pound of dried orange peel(ground).
I gallon of spirits (95 percent).
Place them in a closely corked vessel for ten days;
strain and bottle for use.
Tincture of Lemon Peel.
Cut into small chips the .peel of twelve large
lemons; place it in a glass jar, and pour over it one
gallon spirits seventy percent; let it stand until the
lemon peel has all sunk to the bottom of the liquor;
it is then ready for use without either filtering or
Tincture of Cloves.
Take one pound of ground cloves; warm them
over a fire until quite hot; put them quickly into a
jar, pour on them one gallon ninety-five percent
alcohol; cover them air-tight, and let them stand
for ten days; draw off into bottles and cork close.