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Olden Time Drinks.

One of the favorite drinks in olden times was that

called "Lamb's Wool," which derived its name from

the 1st of November, a day dedicated to the angel pre

siding over fruits and seeds,and termed ''La masubal,"

which has subsequently been corrupted into "lamb's


Recipe for Lamb's Wool.

To one quart of strong hot ale add the pulp of six

roasted apples, together with a small quantity ofgrated

nutmeg and ginger, with a sufficient quantity of raw

sugar to sweeten it; stir the mixture assiduously, and

let it be served hot.

Ofequal antiquity,and ofnearlythesame composition,

is the Wassail Bowl, which in many parts of England

is still partaken of on Christmas Eve,,and is alluded to

by Shakspeare in his "Midsummer Night's Dream."

In Jesus College,Oxfordjwe are told,it is drunk on the

Festival of St. David, out ofa silver-gilt bowl holding

ten gallons, which was presented to that College by Sr

Watkin William Wynne, in 1732.