Visit us at
www.cpani.orgor call CPANI helpline on
074 4347 2108
I saw the need and I just had to help.
I joined the group with Shelley and 5
others with the aim to take caravans
to families and unaccompanied
children in the Jungle. We called
ourselves “Jungle Canopy” as we
were providing shelter to refugees.
For the next year until the jungle
was cleared in October 2016 I went
to Calais each week with a caravan
and aid as did many others, we took
about 200 caravans to provide a safe
haven for Refugees. The caravans
were sponsored and prepared by
churches, schools and community
I met many amazing refugees from
Eritrea, Sudan, Syrian, Iran, Pakistan and
Afghanistan most spoke English many had
nightmare stories to tell, like the 14yr old
Afghan girl who watched her 2 brothers
and her sister drown in the crossing to
Greece as they spent 9hrs in the sea.
This was a humbling and amazing
opportunity for me to show the love of
God, I will never be the same.
Tony Britten retired from Essex Police
after 30yrs service in 2005. He was
a former Branch Leader of the Essex
CPA, a Police Chaplain, on the board
of the International Christian Police
Fellowship and an Elder at Braintree
Elim Church.