Visit us at
www.cpani.orgor call CPANI helpline on
074 4347 2108
Street Pastors & PSNI Join Forces
CPA recently participated in an All-Ireland Street
Pastors Event hosted at Newforge Country Club on
Friday 24th February.
A/ACC Stephen Cargin with Harry
Moreland and Tomas Jenkinson of
Street Pastors Ireland. Also present
are organisers Insp Tim Flanigan
and Insp Marty Reid.
Street Pastors volunteers and
co-ordinators from all over Ireland
CPA Prayer Breakfast
If there’s one thing guaranteed to get a bunch of Police Officers and Staff out of their
beds on a cold Friday morning, it’s the offer of a free fry up. It was fantastic to see so
many CPA supporters, both old and new at our recent Prayer Breakfast in Newforge.
For many it was a chance to meet CPA UK National Director Lee Russell for the first
time and hear about the work of CPA across the United Kingdom. All those who
attended were treated to a CPA gift pack, kindly donated by a local Christian trust.
We hope to run more of these breakfast events in future so make sure you are on our
mailing list to keep up to date with what’s happening.
Lee Russell and Sam Donaldson
with some of the CPA SPOCs
Enjoying fellowship & a fry
at Newforge