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Industry News





Erne Fittings supplies weld-

overlay elbows and tees to Brazil

THYSSENKRUPP Mannex and Erne

Fittings were recently able to secure a

major order of seamless pipes, fittings

and flanges for a project in Brazil.

Pipes, fittings and flanges are

processed to spools in Suape/Recife

and afterwards integrated into the

refinery “Abreu e Lima RNEST”.

The plant, which is located in Ipojuca in

north-eastern Brazil, is a pilot project of

Petrobras, Brazil’s largest oil company.

In future, oil products with a high

sulphur content will be processed into

diesel with a very low sulphur content

here, using high temperatures and

hydrogen (“hydrotreating”).

The over 200 cladded elbows and

tees with a dimensional range of 457 x

(29.4 + 3)mm are made from the heat-

resistant base material WP22 and an

inside weld overlay of 317L. Compliance

with tightest manufacturing tolerances

during forming process and weld-overlay,

as well as flexible weld-end preparation

in accordance with the connection

dimensions of the straight clad pipes,

ensure problem-free welding of the

composite materials.

Erne clad fittings combine high strength

with excellent corrosion properties. The

inner surface of a high-strength C-steel

base material is coated with corrosion-

resistant materials (eg austenite, Ni-

based alloys). During use, the high-

alloy weld-overlay layer prevents direct

contact with the corrosive media and

the ferritic base material ensures the

required mechanical properties with

regard to pressure and temperature,

such as strength and impact toughness.

In contrast to solid CRA (corrosion

resistant alloys), Erne clad fittings

enable threefold cost savings: due to

the lower price of C-steel compared to

high-alloy steels; due to the reduction

in material used (the higher strength

of the C-steel allows for thinner walls);

and as thinner walls mean a significant

reduction in the welding and inspection

expenses when processing the fittings.

This saving potential is especially

high when either large wall thicknesses

are required due to high pressures and/

or temperatures, or very complex and

therefore expensive alloy concepts are

needed due to the corrosive load.

Erne clad fittings are manufactured

in cooperation between Erne Fittings

and Uhlig Rohrbogen. Erne Fittings

has produced high quality elbows, tees

and reducers since the early 1920s,

as a result of which the company has

established itself as a premium supplier

in the approved field. Uhlig Rohrbogen is

a specialist in the field of weld-overlaying

for an extremely wide range of industrial

applications, such as boiler walls for

waste incinerator plants.

Erne Fittings GmbH

– Austria



Logistics firm



RHYS Davies Freight Logistics is celebrating 60 years in

the transport industry. The company began as a family

business in 1952, and currently has 190 vehicles operating

throughout the UK from nine strategically located depots.

Rhys Davies offers tailored warehousing, distribution

and handling service across its nine operating centres,

providing customers with value added, cost saving

services. One example of this is the paint mixing service

that Rhys Davies provides for two separate European paint

manufacturers at its Birmingham and Cardiff warehouses.

This process includes a fully traceable quality sampling

and testing process, where samples are taken, measured

and sent to the customer for recording purposes.

Gary Phillips, commercial manager of Rhys Davies

Freight Logistics, said, “Because the clients are based in

Europe it makes more sense for the paints to be mixed

at our warehouse rather than them shipping paint colours

speculatively. It saves them time, inventory and money.”

Rhys Davies Freight Logistics

– UK

