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First Generation III+ nuclear reactor provides electricity to the grid

On 5 August 2016 at 00 hours 35 minutes (GMT) Unit 6 at Novovo-

ronezh NPP in Russia, which uses Rosatom’s innovativeVVER-1200

technology was connected to the national grid and produced its

first 240 MW of electricity. Thus the most important and critical

operation – the first trial of generation to the grid – has been suc-

cessfully completed.

Generation 3+ nuclear reactors are currently being built in the

United States and France. However, the Russian Unit 6 is the first

to the reach the stage of being connected to the grid.The full-time

commercial operation of the Unit 6 is expected to begin at the end

of 2016 after reaching 100% capacity and mandatory acceptance

testing. Once connected to the grid the unit will operate for at least

60 years. Connection to the grid took place 5 months after the first

criticality programme that was started in March 2016.

“This event is our great victory, which crowns a huge amount

of work in installation and adjustment of equipment, and complex

process operations. It can be stated that all works were done reliably

and safely.The operating personnel clearly understands the process,

equipment operation safety and reliably,” Andrey Petrov, General

Director of Rosenergoatom,


’s power generation division.

The connection to the grid was preceded by the turbine start up

(approach to planned spin up in idling mode of the turbine genera-

tor’s rotor) and its trial work in idling. Specialists carried out a large

set of checks and tests at different power build up stages, as well as

inspection of different equipment was carried out.These measures

were necessary to confirm reliability and safety of the power unit

in its further operation.

Valery Limarenko, President of NIAEP, Rosatom power engineer-

ing and construction division, pointed out: “Rosatom is the world’s

largest supplier of nuclear power plants in the global market.Today,

we have made our positions stronger.This opens new opportunities

for building up our presence in the global market.”

The innovative power units of Generation III+ possess improved

performance parameters.They are absolutely safe in operation and

fully meet the IAEA’s post-Fukushima requirements.They feature a

large number of passive safety systems, which are able to function

even in case of a plant blackout and without operator’s intervention.

Unit 6 of Novovoronezh NPP features a passive heat removal system

from the reactor, hydrogen recombiners and a core catcher, which

are unique and have no similarities worldwide.The commissioning

of power unit 6 will raise the total power capacity of Novovoronezh

NPP by 1,5 and will give a boost to theVoronezh regional economy.

Enquiries: Ryan Collyer. RosatomAfrica.


Rising Star Awards

The past four years have seen the

Rising Star Awards

grow from

strength to strength, each year identifying, recognising and celebrat-

ing the young talent that South Africa has to offer.

“We were thrilled to see the calibre of entrants this year – I am

encouraged by the talent coming through the ranks across all in-

dustries in South Africa,” said Laura Barker, Managing Director of

BlackBark Productions, organisers of the Rising Star Programme.

The awards are for young, talented individuals in the 28-

40 year age category, and form part of a unique platform

where winners can go beyond just the recognition for work

already done, and participate in a leadership and develop-

ment programme throughout the year after winning. They

also have a unique opportunity to network across industry

sectors, with both their fellow winners, and minds in the

country through a mentorship programme.

(See page 47).

Enquiries: Cheryl van der Merwe.


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Banking & Financial Services

Construction & Engineering

Energy & Environment


ICT (Telecoms & Technology)

Manufacturing, Retail & FMCG

Media & Marketing

Mining & Minerals

Professional Services

Service Public & Private

Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Transport, Logistics & Security

Brian Mahlangu

Charlene Joseph

Leon van Wyk

Grant Gavin

Gareth Kingston



Rousseau Jooste



Thabo Ngoepe



Liviero Group (Pty) Ltd

Eskom Holdings SOC Limited


Britehouse - A Division of Dimension Data

Aberdare Cables

Okuhle Media



Johannesburg Property Company

Emperors Palace - Peermont Global

Transnet Freight Rail

Rising Star Awards 2016


September ‘16
