APRIL 2016
he new GEWISS LST surge protectors fea-
ture an extended range and new perfor-
mance technology.
Atmospheric power surges and spikes are the
main cause of failures in electronic equipment and
the resultant production downtime.
“The most damaging types of power surges are
caused by lightning strikes,” explains Nelen Goven-
der, brand manager at ACDC Dynamics. “In fact, di-
rect lightning strikes create current peaks that are
lethal to humans and can totally destroy electrical
installations and data networks.”
He says the new Gewiss LST range of surge
protectors (Types 1 and 2) ensures the protection
of entire electrical systems and the most sensitive
“The modern technological solutions embrace
photovoltaic 2 SPL and 1 and 2 SPL protection,”
says Govender.
“The design of the Gewiss LST device allows for
quick operational status inspection and mainte-
nance. The optical green indicator changes to red
when a plug-in cartridge has expired, and can be
exchanged without removing the entire protector
from the board,” he explains. “Thanks to the inte-
grated auxiliary contact, it is possible to send im-
mediate notification of the device status.”
The Gewiss LST surge protectors comply with
the CEI 64-8/3 requirements.
For details on this product, contact Nelen
Govender at
neleng@acdc.co.zaEnquiries: +27 10 202 3300
B Switchgear Solutions was recently awarded
a multi-million Rand contract for the design,
manufacture and supply of motor control cen-
tres and VSD panels destined for Anglo American
Platinum’s Amandelbult Chrome recovery plant.
The project is located within Rustenburg Platinum
Mine’s mining right area, 25 km south of the town of
Thabazimbi in the Limpopo Province. Each chromite
recovery module will comprise feed systems, thick-
eners, cyclones and spirals.
JB Switchgear is supplying six ‘Eagle’ series motor
control centres, and robust, reliable and user-friendly
design well-suited for this application. Starter sizes
vary between 1,1 kW and 45 kW.
The operational voltage is 550 V with a prospec-
tive fault level of 50 kA. In addition to the MCCs, JB
Switchgear also supplied 52 VSD panels ranging
from 0,25 kW to 220 kW. The communication pro-
tocol for this project is Profibus.
Enquiries: +27 11 027 5804
super bright lights
Electric recently announced that its lat-
est range of industrial grade tower lights, Harmony
XVU, is now available to the local market.
The line offers a clean and innovative design that
enhances installation safety. The colour-coded dis-
play and sound signalling increase visibility of ma-
chine alarms, making Harmony XVU the perfect fit
for applications in the automotive, food and bever-
age, and semiconductor industries.
The Harmony XVU tower lights offer high qual-
ity, true colour, bright LED light modules that enable
users to create a configuration, which is best suited
to their requirements: one to five illuminated units
(available red, amber, green, blue and clear); or one
to four illuminated units plus a sound unit (buzzer
or voice).
Additionally, the range includes a special multi-
colour LED module with a choice of six colours and
four light patterns: steady, blinking, flashing, or rotat-
ing, which are easily configurable by two dip switches
inside the unit.
The range of Harmony XVU tower lights enables
quick and flexible installation, either directly on the
machine, on a 100 mm pole or an expendable pole
(allowing to adjust the height), or by using a three-
in-one, adjustable mounting bracket (allowing the
tower light to be mounted upright, at an angle, or
on the wall).
Enquiries: +27 11 254 6400