2017-2022 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program
PAGE : 14 OF 123
Parks Land Purchase and Development
Project No.
Parks & Recreation
Community Services
Council Priorities
Protecting the Environment, Supporting Youth
Project Description
Purchase of land for future parks as identified in the Parks, Facilities and Recreation Programming Master Plan
and the General Plan. In 2015, the City acquired property for future development of a 23 acre softball and
baseball field complex at the corner of Tennant and Condit. The City parkland purchase and development
priorities include: development of park space on School District property on Peet Road (FY 17/18), purchase of
additional park space adjacent to City sports facilities on Condit Road (FY 18/19), and acquisition and
development of a neighborhood park space (FY 18/19).
The additional park space on Condit Road would provide additional parking space for major events through a
lease with an option to purchase. It is anticipated the lease would begin before the conclusion of FY 15/16. Lease
payments would be $100,000 per year with a portion of payment going towards the purchase. This project
accounts for the option to purchase being executed in FY 18/19. Since this site and the Ball Field site are located in
the County payment of property taxes for both sites are accounted for in this project. Amounts in Property
Acquisition account in FY 19/20 - FY 21/22 are solely for property taxes.
If the Morgan Hill Unified School District formally acquires the property off of Peak Avenue the City intends to
support the development of park amenities at the school site. $2 million is allocated for FY 17/18 for development
of this park space. The City will work with the MHUSD to master plan the site and develop a joint use agreement
prior to committing funds. Should this project not materialize the funds would be spent on other projects as