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2017-2022 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

PAGE : 103 OF 123

308 - Street CIP

Fund Description

This fund was established effective July 1, 2007. The fund accounts for resources and requirements for capital projects

that support the City of Morgan Hills streets and roads. The fund has been separated from Street Operations, fund

202.The funds allocated, which are normally transfers from other revenue funds such as the Traffic Impact Fund 309,

and grant reimbursements, may be expended on new streets, traffic signals, and improvements of existing streets.

How this Fund Generates Money for Capital Investment

The funds allocated, which are normally transfers from other revenue funds such as the Traffic Impact Fund 309 and

grant reimbursements, may be expended on new streets, traffic signals, and improvements of existing streets. Since

2012, the City's Pavement Condition Index (PCI) has dropped from 76 to 67 and is now considered "at risk." The

General Fund contributes for street improvement projects increased from $750,000 to $1,000,000 annually in each of

the next three fiscal years, bringing the total estimated investment in the City's pavement rehabilitation and safety

program in the Biennial Budget to $4.0 million, including gas tax funds and a grant. However, unless new revenue

sources can be obtained in future years, the CIP includes a total of only $1.8 million (or $0.6 million each year) for fiscal

years 19-20 through 21-22.

Limitations and Other Important Factors

This fund does not independently generate any revenues. For the most part, the funds used for street-related work

have been primarily grants. Since grants are paid on a reimbursement basis: 1) the work is first completed, 2) a

reimbursement request is submitted, and 3) in approximately 60-90 days a reimbursement check is received. Because

award of a grant constitutes a "reimbursement promise" by the granting agency, it is not unusual for the process to

overlap fiscal years, the work might be completed in one fiscal year, and the reimbursement is received in the new

fiscal year.

Expenditures are only made on the assurance of funds to be received. Because Fund 308 has no income sources

beyond grants, it occasionally receives loans from another fund so that the grant application process can be initiated

(design work, renderings, studies, etc.). These loans are routinely repaid upon receipt of grant reimbursements for the


Goals for Capital Investment

The goals during this period are to continue with the pavement rehabilitation program and the assessment district


Project List Summary








519000 - Pavement Rehabilitation








563013 - Assessment District -








