Southwest Cattlemen's Classic
November 19, 2016
195 Kenton Run, Wytheville, Virginia
Friday Afternoon, November 18
All animals will be available for viewing in open lots. Sale
order, base price, and all supplemental information not
listed in the catalog will be available.
Saturday Morning, November 19
Continued viewing of animals
11:00 am
- Complimentary lunch will be provided
12:00 noon
- Southwest Cattlemen's Classic Sale
Sale location — former Umberger Sale facility, 195
Kenton Run, Wytheville, VA 24382. Use Exit #77 off of
I-81, just north of Wytheville. Travel to the access road
west of the interstate. Turn right on Kenton Run (just
past Exxon station) and travel one mile to sale facility.
Watch for signs.
Each animal in the sale will have a base price which
will be listed on a supplemental sheet furnished on
sale day. Bulls will be offered starting with the higher
base price bulls and alternating in groups of 5 between
the consignors. A sales order will be furnished on sale
day. Each animal will be offered individually though the
sale ring starting at the listed base price and selling to
the highest bidder. If no one is willing to bid the listed
base price, then the animal will be passed on. Animals
passed on during the auction will be available for sale
afterwards at the listed base price. Animals returning to
the consignor's farm will be available for sale at the base
price or higher.
Loadout of animals can begin immediately after
the conclusion of the sale. Trucking and delivery of
animals can be provided and the consignors will work
with individual buyers to provide the quickest and
most economical transportation possible. Bulls can
be returned to the consignor's farm for later pickup or
delivery at the cost of $2/head/day and will be fed and
handled as they were prior to the sale or as the buyer
requests. Bulls must be picked up by Jan. 1, 2017 unless
special arrangements are made with the consignor. Bulls
are the risk and responsibility of the new owner.
Negative TB, Brucellosis, and BVD PI tests within 30
days prior to the sale. Out of state health papers will
be available sale day. All bulls have been evaluated for
breeding soundness and fertility by Dr. Andy Meadows
of Wytheville and are guaranteed to be breeders.
Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (defined as the
ability to settle healthy cows by the time they are 14
months of age) with the exception of: a. Injury or disease
occurring to the animal after time of purchase, or b.
Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the
Terms of the sale are cash -- unless credit arrangements
have been made prior to the sale. All settlements are
to be made with the sale clerks at the conclusion of the
sale and before any animals will be released from the
sale premises. Cattle sell under the Standard Terms
and Conditions as suggested by the American Gelbvieh
Assocation, American Angus Association, and the
American Simmental Association.
Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon
as sold, but it shall be the obligation of the seller to see
that the animals are fed and cared for until loaded for
Doug Hughes
Little Windy Hill Farms
C (276) 620-4271 •
lwhf@wiredog.comSmith Reasor
Reasor Simmentals
276-620-3123 •