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ces ‘étudiants-moi’ du Boul’Mich ?? Et pourtant je suis plein, plein à craquer (mais

la tête solidement sur mes épaules… fragiles !).

Voilà, je voulais vous dire que l’on marche et je ne sais quel genre d’année je dois

souhaiter, mais ça va très vite. Et surtout je voulais vous embrasser très

affectueusement, sans oublier nos amis et amies. Satprem »


*Working Note on Security measures at Matrimandir.

There have been over the recent times an escalation of incidents occurring at and

around the Matrimandir.

Whether these were caused by carelessness, negligence and ill-will or, as in the

most recent case, a definite and dangerous imbalance in one or two individuals, the

necessity we are facing is clear: there must be a better and more conscious


(Later note: among others there was the case of two young French fellows, one of

them suffering a kind of slow crippling disease of the muscles, who had been

helping and working at Matrimandir for some time, had got into their heads that, in

order to save the world, they must absolutely rectify the terrible mistakes we had

made and shift the Urn, from its location at the amphitheatre, to the pond directly

below the sphere of the Matrimandir; in planning their move – and almost

succeeding – they had somehow complemented their ‘understanding’ of the

situation by attributing to me, as an asura, the responsibility for most of the


These are some of the measures we propose to take, either immediately or in


1- Regarding the individuals who join voluntarily the work at Matrimandir:

. We will from now on first ascertain their contribution is welcome and actually

useful and that their relationship with Auroville is clear.

. We will request them to carry with them a recommendation from the Entry Group,

if they are guests or newcomers.

. We will request the Entry Group and any other working group concerned to give

us their views directly, whether the individual is a guest, a newcomer or a resident.

. We will ask any individual whose conduct at Matrimandir proves to be

unacceptable to leave their work at once and we will inform the Entry Group and

any working group concerned of the same.

2- Regarding the service to the Inner Chamber and the duties related to it:

. From now on the Inner Chamber will only be open when a minimum of 3

volunteers are on duty: 1 inside the Chamber, 1 at the vestibule and 1 at the Pillar


. The Forum is to constitute immediately a core group for access to the

Matrimandir, with the following tasks as priorities:


To formulate simple guidelines for the screening and monitoring of all

volunteers for service.


To determine at which hours the minimum required of 3 volunteers will be

available and to inform accordingly.