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We must not do the cowardly thing.

We must not let the old social tissue of our dark complicity re form itself and

obstruct the action of the Grace….”


Note: the Matrimandir Forum continued to exist and to meet regularly throughout

that year, 1997. But it was not yielding more unity among us all. The “sides”

remained, and were not getting what they wanted out of the exercise. Madanlal and

his associates were not getting the control they had aimed at; Piero and his group

were not getting revenge or vindication of their stand; Roger A and his entourage

were not obtaining a free, unquestioned authority over the Matrimandir; the self-

appointed spokesmen for the “community” were not succeeding in reclaiming

“their” Matrimandir out of our jurisdiction. What they all shared was a strong drive

to see our team disbanded and made irrelevant.

In September of 1997, seeing the signs gathering, our team confirmed its resolve,

and I wrote the following draft on its behalf:

*Communication on the position of the Matrimandir Management and

Coordination Group.

“To all.

This is to clarify our position as a team.

Pressures to conform are exerted on us from a number of quarters with

contradictory and, at times, diametrically opposed intents.

Our actions, or non-actions, are variously misinterpreted and, as a result, a general

sense of frustration prevails.

Perhaps it will help ease the tensions that we state again our stand on the current


1- On the matter of the “design”.

Regardless of opinions and preferences, we are determined to follow through the

only process which was born out of consensus:


To ascertain the technical and practical feasibility of the design which Roger

A is proposing for the completed sphere of the Matrimandir, on the basis of

the criteria given by the Mother of “safety, solidity, durability and

harmonious balance”.


To execute the work as per these findings at the earliest in synchronicity with

the rest of the work (the Petals, the Gardens, etc.)

In order to achieve these two tasks, we welcome and invite all genuine

contributions, which include all criticism motivated by the aspiration and will to

serve the Matrimandir with the best.

We do not accept questioning for its own sake or for the sake of trying to prove

that the proposed design is unacceptable, as this only damages the integrity of the
