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me know that some publication was already underway, that would display a number

of photographs of the Mother, not many but interesting and never before published

ones, in the line of a booklet that had already been published by the Ashram on Sri

Aurobindo; and that it ought to be sufficient. That was it.

I did not feel any inner support in trying to approach Pranab directly; I offered the

whole thing up. Somehow, sooner or later, such a work must be and would be

done, by someone.

As of today, though, in 2005, it has yet to be done.


Note: At about the same time, that year of 1997, the review “Ahana”, dedicated to

Sri Aurobindo’s work and published in Delhi, decided to bring out an issue on

various subjects – ranging from ecology and agriculture to social work - collecting

written contributions from Aurovilians; I was asked to write a paper on Sri


*On Sri Aurobindo, for the review “Ahana”.

“Particularly now when India’s children, at this striking notch in the wheel of time,

muster some of the courage required to assess honestly their condition, the

condition of their people, their land, and the quality of the service that has been

rendered to their Mother, in 50 years of independence from one form of adversity,

many are those who are dedicated and competent authorities to represent Sri

Aurobindo’s message, views and thoughts on a variety of specific issues.

It is surely a good and dutiful contribution that is thus being made.

Yet I find it irksome, and sadly symptomatic that for this the 125


anniversary of

Sri Aurobindo’s birth, as on any other year, day and moment, one continues to

distribute fragments of Sri Aurobindo’s presence as if one was begging the world’

consumerism to accept a few choice bits of a meals prepared within too dim a


Sri Aurobindo the philosopher, Sri Aurobindo the freedom fighter, Sri Aurobindo the

yogi, Sri Aurobindo the poet… would you please be kind enough to be properly

awed and dumbstruck by the glimpses we are offering, oh so humbly!

I, like so many others, am no authority, and have no wish to become one in any

field; but I have some understanding and some experience of Sri Aurobindo’s

presence and I can tell with certainty that Sri Aurobindo, if He is all of that and

infinitely more, is also none of that, for none of these definitions can ever begin to

contain Him.

Which philosopher could ever have written effortlessly, in less than 4 years, “The

Synthesis of Yoga”, “The Human Cycle”, “The Ideal of Human Unity” and “The Life


The greatest human poets are celebrated through the centuries for a few verse

only, that could channel some of the beauty, the mantric power and the force of