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- 1999 -

Note: I think it was at the beginning of 1999, the last year of that millennium, that

I wrote this prayer.

*Prayer :

1- Je demande à la Présence

Au-dedans et au dessus


La Paix

Et la Protection.

2- Je demande à la Présence

Au-dedans et au dessus

De garder

Ma conscience.

3- Dans une confiance tranquille

Je m’en remets

A la Présence,

A Cela qui sait,

Qui comprend,

Qui peut,

Qui aime.


Note: On the 8


of March, 1999, I completed the writing of the book “Chemins

Entiers”. It ran to nearly 200 tightly type-written pages; its form was a continuous

flow of a sort of poetic prose, but it articulated itself into sequences that moved like

a river, swelling with tributaries as it runs to the sea.

The manuscript was later sent to 2 or 3 Publishing Houses in France and to friends

in Quebec; Robert Laffont, for instance, wrote to me his full appreciation, along

with his regrets, saying that he was already taking all the risks he could afford to

take by publishing Satprem’s books, which hardly sold. All responses had in