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And so far there has not been much clarity of intent on the part of the community

of Auroville as regards the joint development of both Auroville and the villages that

surround it and share its general area.

Aurovilians have done and continue to do excellent substantial work in the bio-area,

particularly in the fields of forestation and water conservation, but also of

education, social progress and health care.

But up until now, in 2005, such a simple, basic idea as sharing equally whatever

funds are made available to Auroville for development – a principle which would

ensure the channelling of many sources of funding as yet untapped and would go a

long way in making of Auroville an experiment of actual import and concern to

India and to the world -, is still not even considered.

In the year 1998, this “permanent” issue had its time in the collective awareness; I

do not recall the exact circumstances or events that triggered the general attention,

but I had drafted the following text, along with a proposed plan of action to re-

orient the activity and intent of the Land Service.

*Written Request on Land.

“To all our neighbours, Tamil brothers and sisters who live in the vicinity of


From all of us Aurovilians, who have chosen to live in Auroville and for Auroville at

the service of the new consciousness that the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have


Our greetings to all.

We appeal to you and humbly request you to help us make of this area that we all

inhabit as fellow human beings an area of consecration to a more harmonious

future for the earth.

We appeal to you and humbly request you to join us in a cooperative effort to

preserve all the lands in this area from the forces of blind profit and destructive

development, and to work with us towards the realisation of a collective harmony,

amongst us all, with earth and with nature, so as to offer, all together, an example

of hope and unity, of a living future open to continuous progress.

We appeal to you and humbly request you to work with us step by step, with open

hearts, at the service of this common goal.”

*Proposal for the structuring and functioning of the Land Service.

- Structure.


For all contacts with local authorities, such as surveyors, panchayat, district

officers, tax officers, etc.: a minimum of 2 Aurovilians, one of them at least

fluent in Tamil.


For the coordination of land use and stewardship: a minimum of 3

Aurovilians, actively involved, two of them fluent in Tamil.


For the management of funds: a minimum of 2 Aurovilians.

Therefore, a team of minimum 7 Aurovilians, not including secretarial work.