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There was also recorded evidence of the Mother commenting on Roger A as “not

listening to Her”.

This orientation towards realising this sanctuary of natural beauty at the centre of

Her city was not ours alone, far from it. Over the years, many were those who

actually worked hard to realise this dream, and the actual physical reality bore

witness to their efforts, with its landscaped hills and already mature trees in a large

part of the area around the Matrimandir.

Throughout our years as a coordinating team we had endeavoured to direct as

much energy as could be spared into the furthering of that realisation; we felt

deeply that the very comprehension of the Matrimandir’s significance depended on

the completeness of its symbol, and that included and fully honoured the presence

of Nature’s beauty and living harmony.

We knew of course that this approach was not pleasing to Roger A, but he had so

far seemed to reconcile himself to it as a dimension that could not be suppressed.

However, in 1999, he was given more political standing and began to seek and

gather active supporters who provided him with various plans and proposals with

the aim to do away with the park and gardens and return to his original concept of

a barren, sculptured setting for the Matrimandir’s golden sphere.

One of these proposals, elaborated by H.K, a German engineer who had earlier

sojourned in Auroville, claimed to address primarily the issue of water-resources for

the future city of Auroville, and to offer the ideal solution for it. It envisaged the

creation of a huge lake around the Matrimandir, taking up the entire area of the


This proposal was unfairly and rather deviously entered as part of the Master Plan

which was to be passed by the Governing Board at the end of that year, without

any consultation in the community. We learnt about the move just a few days

before the formal meeting was to take place and we submitted our formal

objection, requesting that this feature be excluded from the official document of the

Master-Plan. Our objection was heard and an amendment was officially entered to

the effect that the main features of the central area of the city of Auroville were still

under research.

That year I began earnestly to collect and collate every single available statement

by the Mother on the Matrimandir and its environment, indicating for each

statement whether it was written, or voice-recorded, or noted from memory and by

whom and in which circumstances. This formed a document which was made

available in Auroville, for everyone to reflect on the issue and its implications in

terms of spirit and orientation.

This was taken by some Aurovilians as a challenge for them to prove the point that

in the course of the years – from 1965, when the Mother first described Her dream,

to 1973, the Mother had “evolved” and worked through Her chosen instrument,

Roger A, and eventually confirmed his concept as final

Thus various “documents” and brochures were subsequently brought out, and

endless squabbling ruled the next several years over which “interpretation” was
