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We have found too large a discrepancy between Roger A’s statements

regarding what the Mother may have told him, which was not recorded, and

the existing records of Her words and conversations on the subject of

Matrimandir and particularly its Gardens.


We have found Roger A’s attitude towards Paolo, whom he invited two years

ago to work on the Gardens concept – invitation which let us hope for a while

that a collaboration could still take place at Her service and in dedication to

Her dream -, was unworthy of a man in his position.


We cannot but question the ethical validity of Roger A, an interested party

and the cause of continued disharmony in Auroville, having accepted an

appointment as a member of the Governing Board, and of the subsequent

misuses he has made of this legal context.

As for the work situation presently prevailing at Matrimandir, we shall always be

happy to describe it in detail to whoever is interested and in any Auroville forum.

Lastly, in his ‘report’ to the Governing Board, Roger A lists areas of responsibility; it

so happens that this is precisely the list we have been working with all these years,

with only one item having remained constantly problematic – the No 12!”


Note: We were thrown once more into the arena.

There followed a new series of general meetings and Residents Assemblies.

The old and proven practice of beginning with just a tiny lie, or an innocuous

misrepresentation, and weaving a pattern from insinuations and leading remarks,

while letting unchecked the wildest rumours and allegations, until it all becomes a

sort of true picture, consolidated by all available frustrations and various

resentments and jealousies and the vying for position and status, was flourishing

among us all. It is a telling symptom of our general condition as human social

animals – in this, the Kali Yug - that the lie uttered in slander and gossip acquires a

reality that is more enduring than the actual truth of the matter, and in the society

of Auroville as it has so far developed, character assassination as a method of

warfare has yielded very profitable results.

An attempt was made at forming a “neutral and objective” body of Aurovilians who

would have as their mandate to look into all the controversies related to

Matrimandir – the matter of the Matrimandir’s environment as gardens and park

versus designed setting for a monument, essentially; but also matters of decorative

elements in and around the sphere versus practical and safety requirements -, and

to get back to the “community” with their observations, assessments and


However, various factors coalesced to heavily influence the direction this exercise

was moving, not the least of which was the Chairman’s moral sway over a fairly

large group of Aurovilians and his “sharing” of a “spiritual experience” he’d recently

had, right after undergoing heart surgery in Delhi, in which he’d been “told” to

“follow Roger”.

Another decisive factor was certainly, on our part as a team and as individuals, a

kind of persisting pride and intolerance, which further alienated us.