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*A Statement from the Matrimandir Workers Team, 28-4-2002:

“The Matrimandir Workers Team is made of Aurovilians who are working daily on

the site. We meet together regularly to coordinate the work and to consider all

issues that concern the Matrimandir.

We are a diversity of persons and points of view, and cannot be seen as a narrow

or uniform grouping. Our common point of unity is that we all work physically for

the manifestation of the Matrimandir.

What unites us also is our common dream and our wish to give Mother the Peace

area that She envisioned since Her childhood, complete with true Gardens, the Lake

and a Park with tall trees that She has described.

We see as very urgent the need to re-establish the integrity of the Peace Area.

There is great energy, willingness and enthusiasm to start work on the Inner and

Outer Gardens (Park) immediately and the way must be unblocked.

We must unite our energies around the completion of the Matrimandir Peace Area.

We welcome the collaboration of all towards this.”

Note: On that same day, an Open Letter to Roger A was read out at the General

Assembly which took place at Bharat Nivas. The copy I have kept, which had been

given to Kusum in my absence, is hand-written and unsigned; I do not remember

who wrote it, but it conveys a fine perception of things. One thing is certain: this

letter was written by an Indian, and a person who is mature and well aware of the

ways of the world.

*Open Letter to Roger Anger read at the General Assembly, 28 April 2002:

“Dear Roger,

The Matrimandir is the only innovative shrine construction of our lifetime. No doubt

about this. It is a jewel and its heart is under direct influence of the Divine. It is

nearing completion and you are the one entrusted by the Mother (blessed be Her

name through these pages) to concretise Her vision. I want to express here my

deep gratitude.

The casket of this jewel are the gardens. There are problems with the gardens.

What kind of gardens did Mother envision. To quote an Avatar is a very difficult

exercise for us. Because She is beyond as well as on this side of Her words or

sayings. She can say everything and the opposite of everything without ever having

to give the reason why. She has never to justify any apparent contradiction. What

we can only do now is to strive to lay the most beautiful gardens imaginable.

Mother has hinted directly or not so many times to what She regarded as the

summum of beauty in garden design. Who heard Her ever commenting on Mughal,

French English Italian or Babylonian hanging gardens? Who has read Her praising

zoological gardens, German beergardens or Swiss Schreiber gardens, etc?