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aspiration for perfection. Union with the Divine manifesting in a progressive

Human Unity’

, She said.


You should know that for all the people of India, the word ‘mandir’ holds a

very deep significance. In their hearts the ‘bhava’ of ‘Bhakti’ is always

present. From the poorest to the most well-to-do, depending upon their

‘Shakti’, which may range from one rupee to thousands, all are offered

(‘arpan’) to Matrimandir. And do you even know what ‘bhava’ is present in

their hearts? ‘Mà, it is at Your sacred feet that I offer not whole flowers, but

mere petals of my offering, for You in Your Grace to accept’. This is their



Matrimandir is indeed a totally ‘nirala’ (interesting, different, unique) Mandir.

It is wholly different to what is commonly understood from age-old times. As

people come, they read and study and attempt to comprehend what Mother

wants behind the creation of this shrine. And then slowly they start to

understand and to experience what She has created in this Shrine. Slowly,

as they understand what all this means, they begin to give bit by bit to it,

always with great joy and great ‘shraddha’ and ‘bhakti’. All this does not

happen in a day. Gradually, in each heart is erected the edifice of ‘bhava’

and ‘bhakti’. And people continue to surrender their wealth as a symbolic

contribution of themselves. And as they offer it at Mother’s feet, this offering

creates a wondrous ‘adhbhut’ (bond) with Matrimandir. Their offering, of all

they can give with all their heart, is always surrendered directly at Mother’s



They do not need go-betweens or brokers in this sacred relationship. For

indeed, this brokering could cause or result in a great slight, even insult to

their feelings and their ‘bhavana’. Therefore such a thing SHOULD NOT BE

ATTEMPTED. There hardly could be a greater fault or mistake committed

than such a thing.

Therefore I say, do not for the sake of self-interest, play such a game with the

‘Atman’ of Auroville, and with the sacred ‘bhavana’ of donors who are devotees only

of Mother and through Her of Her Shrine, Matrimandir – not necessarily of Auroville.

Indeed, I cannot comprehend why people are so obsessed to control the donations

given to Matrimandir. For there is indeed no comparable system in Auroville that

may match on an equal basis the transparency of the Matrimandir financial system.

Leave then these trivial and trivialising games. Let us leave all these at the feet of


Let us rather pray together: ‘Thy Will be done’.


Note: We did not claim to be perfect, or superior; in fact, we were most acutely

aware of our own failings and, even though we were often seen as being arrogant,

we shared among us such a very strong sense of ethics that we would not even

consider the majority of responses that seemed to be offered to us. We kept

making our stand on matters that to us were essential while refusing to even

counter even the most ludicrous allegations. In that way, probably, it became

easier to dismiss us…

In the same month of October, Deepti too published two papers.

They are reproduced here, as they may well remain relevant for some time…