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If the discussion about the Matrimandir Finances continues and an intervention is

actually invited through the Auroville Foundation that intervention should justifiably

extend to all other financial activities of Auroville.

6. What are the facts about Matrimandir’s finances?

The Matrimandir accounts are already an Auroville channel. They are part and

parcel of the Auroville Fund group of accounts. The Balance Sheet has always been

available with the Financial Services. The CAG audit has always been pleased with

the method and maintenance of Matrimandir’s financial system. When you consider

the number of persons who have scrutinised, searched and studied the Matrimandir

financial system year after year, month after month, to find some flaw, some

indiscretion, some slight irregularity which could serve to crucify the coordinators,

you will quickly realise that Matrimandir does indeed have an excellent system in

place! Thus the present proposal to ‘shift the cheque book’ has to content itself with

the singularly pathetic argument: ‘it’s time for a change’!

The other stark reality is that almost all the donations to build Matrimandir come

from outside of Auroville. We could just as easily call the Matrimandir accounts

‘Mother’s Bank’ – after all the money comes from people who really feel they are

giving to the Mother Herself and it is used to build Her Vision. Except for the few

individuals and units who have understood the deeper necessity of putting financial

energy into the building of Matrimandir, most Aurovilians are content only to

intervene to claim ownership of Auroville’s soul: ‘Our place that must be reclaimed

from these stupid Indian tourists and the present Matrimandir Team who deserve to

be dismissed’!

The move to transfer Matrimandir’s ‘cheque book’ is quite understandable in those

who have not accepted the spiritual dimension of Matrimandir. These are also they

who refuse to see the writing on the wall – namely that Matrimandir has already

outstripped Auroville in the scope and dimension of its influence. As the soul is

always much vaster than the body it chooses to inhabit. One sign among many is

that almost all of ‘official’ India (and the rest too) has been flowing like a steady

river to touch down upon this great and solid ‘reactor’ for spiritual change. Mother

is working dynamically through Her great symbol upon much more than Auroville. A

very eminent Indian recently remarked that ‘Matrimandir is the Soul of India’! Such

sentiments are to be ignored at peril. The question now is: can Auroville rise to

maturity and to its spiritual dimension to hold its soul?

7. Auroville ‘Elections’.

This background becomes crucial, especially today as many Aurovilians watch in

disbelief Auroville’s processes seemingly high jacked for the present and steered

inexorably towards ‘petitioning’, sloganeering, voting and electioneering with all

their resultant evils. Now collective meetings ‘vote’ even upon crucial spiritual

questions and almost no voice cries ‘Hold! This is not permitted in Auroville’!

Auroville apparently slides down a muddy slope towards decisions based upon the

mere opinions of those with the loudest voices and the least dharmic standards.

Power brokers step in as ‘peace makers’ only to further confuse, darken or distort,

seldom to genuinely lift things up. This method of organising collective life, led to

its logical conclusion, could cause a destruction of all the higher truth of Auroville.